Key to Gauromyrmex workers

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Key to workers of Gauromyrmex based on Chen & Chen (2022).


  • In dorsal view, humeral corners of pronotum with a pair of distinct denticles (Figs. 2, 5, 8) => Gauromyrmex acanthinus
  • In dorsal view, humeral corners of pronotum rounded (Figs. 12, 16) => 2


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  • In full face view, anteromedian part of clypeus prominent, with anterior margin arc depression, forming rounded lobes laterally; posterior corners of propodeum rounded; subpetiolar process absent; in full face view, head smooth and shiny; in dorsal view, pronotum with longitudinal striation and puncta; mesonotum, propodeum, petiole and postpetiole reticulate-puncture (Figs. 11–13) => Gauromyrmex bengkalisi
  • In full face view, anteromedian part of clypeus unremarkable, with anterior margin weakly depression, but no forming rounded lobes laterally; posterior corners of propodeum with marked spines or teeth; subpetiolar process triangular transparently; in full face view, head longitudinally striate; in full face view, promesonotal dorsum weakly and longitudinally striate (Figs. 14–16) => Gauromyrmex orbihumerus
Figs. 1 – 9. Gauromyrmex acanthinus worker. 1, 4, 7. Head in full-face view; 2, 5, 8. Body in dorsal view; 3, 6, 9. Body in profile view.
Figs. 10 – 13. Gauromyrmex bengkalisi Cotype worker. 10. Head in full-face view; 11. Label; 12. Body in dorsal view; 13. Body in profile view. (Cotype,, CASENT0172783, images by April Nobile)
Figs. 14 – 16. Gauromyrmex orbihumerus sp. nov. Holotype worker. 14. Head in full-face view; 15. Body in dorsal view; 16. Body in profile view. A. Head in full-face view; B. Mandible in full-face view; C. Body in dorsal view; D. Body in profile view.
