Key to Australian Genera of Dolichoderinae

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  • Scapes surpassing the rear margin of the head by one-half their length or more (Fig. a). Front of the underside of the head (medial hypostoma) notched in the centre (Fig. b) => Leptomyrmex
  • Scapes surpassing the rear margin of the head by less than one-half their length and sometimes not at all (Fig. aa). Front of the underside of the head (medial hypostoma) usually entire (Fig. bb) but sometimes grooved (Fig. cc) or completely absent (Fig. dd) => 2


  • Scale of the petiole greatly reduced or absent, the forward face absent or at most indistinct (Fig. a). Upper face of the propodeum (when well defined) shorter than the rear face (Fig. b). Mandibles lacking a distinct angle between the surface containing the teeth and the surface near the clypeus (basal angle is absent) (Fig. c) => 3
  • Scale of the petiole present and with distinct forward and rearward faces (Fig. aa) (although sometimes strongly inclined forward and with a short forward face (Fig. dd)). Upper face of the propodeum generally the same length or longer than the rear face (Fig. bb), but occasionally shorter. Mandibles with a distinct angle between the surface containing the teeth and the surface near the clypeus (Fig. cc) => 4


  • Gaster with 4 plates on its upper surface (fifth gastral tergite ventral) (Fig. a). Pronotum generally lacking erect hairs => Tapinoma
  • Gaster with 5 plates on its upper surface (fifth gastral tergite dorsal) (Fig. aa), although the last segment is sometimes small and retracted. Pronotum commonly with 2 to 10 erect hairs => Technomyrmex


  • Spiracle on the propodeum located near the upper face and rearward near the angle (Fig. a) => 5
  • Spiracle on the propodeum located well below the upper face along the rear face and below the angle (Fig. aa) => 6


  • Frontal carinae narrowly spaced, much narrower than the inner margin of the eyes and extending between the eyes but not approaching them. Propodeum with distinct spines which are directed rearward (Fig. a) and with the spiracle located at the base of the spines (Fig. b). Eyes more or less round (Fig. c) => Froggattella
  • Frontal carinae widely spaced and approaching and nearly touching the inner margins of the eyes. Propodeum rounded or with rounded protuberances (Fig. aa) and with the spiracle located near the angle between the upper and rear faces (Fig. bb). Eyes oval and elongate (Fig. cc) => Turneria


  • Palps always short, not extending along the under side of the head and with a formula of 2:2 (outer (maxillary) and inner (labial) palps each with 2 segments) (Fig. a). Eyes small, with at most about 50 cells or facets (ommitidia) and about the same diameter as the maximum scape diameter (Fig. c). Front margin of the clypeus above the mandibles with 2 to about 12 downwardly curved hairs which are about the same length as the closed mandibles (Fig. d) => Arnoldius
  • Palps either long and extending along the under side of the head (Fig. aa) or shorter and not quite reaching under side of head (Fig. bb), and with a formula of 5:3 (Fig. bb) or 6:4 (Fig. aa) (outer (maxillary) palps with 5 or 6 segments, inner (labial) palps with 3 or 4 segments). Eyes generally large, with more than 100 cells or facets (ommitidia) and much larger than the maximum scape diameter (Fig. cc) (but smaller, with about 30-40 cells and about the same diameter as the scape in one taxon, Nebothriomyrmex). Front margin of the clypeus above the mandibles with 2 to 20 short, straight (rarely curved) hairs which are much shorter than the closed mandibles (Fig. dd) => 7


  • Underside of the head near the base of the mandible (lateral hypostoma) with a weak to well developed flange that is sometimes tooth-like (Fig. a). Plates of the underside of the body above the front legs (prosternum and mesosternum, visible only with front legs removed) expanded and overlapping (Fig. b). Mesosoma often heavily sculptured. Rear face of the propodeum generally concave (Fig. c) but sometimes flat (Fig. d) => Dolichoderus
  • Underside of the head near the base of the mandible (lateral hypostoma) rounded or with at most a ridge, but never with a flange (Fig. aa). Plates of the underside of the body above the front legs (prosternum and mesosternum, visible only with front legs removed) separated by an area of membrane (Fig. bb). Mesosoma generally weakly sculptured. Rear face of the propodeum usually rounded (Fig. cc) but sometimes flat or concave => 8


  • Palps short, not reaching under side of head and with a formula of 5:3 (outer (maxillary) palps with 5 segments, inner (labial) palps with 3 segments) (Fig. a). Front margin of the clypeus above the mandibles with 8 to 20 very short, straight hairs which only slightly surpass the front clypeal margin and don’t overlap with the mandibles (Fig. b). Mandibles with 10 to 15 teeth and no denticles (Fig. c). Metanotal groove a distinct, deep trough or notch which is depressed below the level of the surrounding upper surfaces of the mesosoma (Fig. d) => Papyrius
  • Palps long, extending along the under side of the head and with a formula of 6:4 (outer (maxillary) palps with 6 segments, inner (labial) palps with 4 segments) (Fig. aa). Front margin of the clypeus above the mandibles with 2 to 16 short erect hairs which noticeably surpass the front clypeal margin and overlap the rear part of the mandibles (Fig. bb). Mandibles with 5 to 12 large teeth and generally at least a few smaller denticles (Fig. cc). Metanotal groove a distinct angle (Fig. dd) or a narrow groove or notch (Fig. ee) => 9


  • Upper surface of the mesosoma more or less flat, the pronotum, mesonotum and upper surface of the propodeum being in approximately the same plane (Fig. b). Upper face of the propodeum always much shorter than the rear face (Fig. a). Metanotal groove either weakly developed or in the form of a narrow groove or notch (Fig. c) => 10
  • Upper surface of the mesosoma with the pronotum much higher than the propodeum and connected by the sloping mesonotum (Fig. bb). Upper face of the propodeum generally about as long as the rear face (Fig. aa). Metanotal groove forming a broad angle (Fig. cc) => 12


  • Rear face of the propodeum concave (Fig. a). The dorsal and rear faces of the propodeum meeting in a strong angle or ridge (Fig. a) => Ochetellus
  • Rear face of the propodeum flat or convex (Fig. aa). The dorsal and rear faces of the propodeum rounding gradually into each other (Fig. aa) => 11


  • Mesonotum forming a uniform arch, the metanotal groove a broad, shallow angle => Doleromyrma
  • Mesonotum more or less flat dorsally and strongly angled near its rear margin where it drops into the groove-like or notched metanotal groove => Nebothriomyrmex


  • The front margin of the clypeus above the mandibles with rounded protuberances on each side of a central projection, the projection either pointed or rounded (sometimes weakly developed, rarely absent) (Fig. a) => 13
  • The front margin of the clypeus above the mandibles uniformly arched across its width and with the central area broadly concave to convex and never with a projection (Fig. aa) => 14


  • Eyes placed relatively upward on the head, away from the clypeus and mandibles (Fig. a). Scale of the petiole usually upright and with the forward and rearward faces about the same length, only rarely inclined forward and with the forward face much shorter than the rearward face (Fig. b). Rear margin of the head generally rounded, occasionally weakly depressed or concave (Fig. c) => Iridomyrmex
  • Eyes placed relatively downward on the head, closer to the clypeus and mandibles (Fig. aa). Scale of the petiole strongly inclined forward and with the forward face much shorter than the rearward face (Fig. bb). Rear margin of the head distinctly depressed or concave (Fig. cc) => Philidris


  • Central area of the front margin of the clypeus a broad concavity (Fig. a). Mandibles with 5 to 8 large teeth and 5 to 13 small denticles (Fig. b) and with the tooth at the tip elongate and much longer than the second tooth (Fig. c). Widest point of head well behind the eyes (Fig. d) => Linepithema
  • Central area of the front margin of the clypeus flat or convex (Fig. aa). Mandibles with 5 to 10 large teeth and 0 to 4 small denticles (Fig. bb) and with the tooth at the tip only slightly longer than the second tooth (Fig. cc). Widest point of head only slightly behind the eyes (Fig. dd) => Anonychomyrma