Key to Asian Crematogaster Orthocrema species

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This worker key is based on: Hosoishi, S. and K. Ogata. 2016. Systematics and biogeography of the ant genus Crematogaster Lund subgenus Orthocrema Santschi in Asia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 176:547–606.

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  • Propodeal spines directed laterally. Postpetiolar dorsum highly convex in lateral view; postpetiole distinctly higher than petiole in lateral view (Fig. 36) (C. baduvi group) . . . . . 22
  • Propodeal spines directed posteriorly (Fig. 30). Postpetiolar dorsum not highly convex in lateral view; postpetiole as high as petiole in lateral view (Fig. 37) . . . . . 5
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figure 30.
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 36 and 37.


return to couplet #1

  • Transverse distance between tips of propodeal spines distinctly longer than head width in dorsal view. Mesosoma densely sculptured (Borneo) . . . . . Crematogaster macracantha
Crematogaster macracantha casent0914302 h 1 high.jpg
Crematogaster macracantha casent0914302 p 1 high.jpg
  • Transverse distance between tips of propodeal spines shorter than head width in dorsal view. Mesosoma generally smooth and shining . . . . . 3


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  • Propodeal spines not curved upward at tip (Fig. 56) . . . . . 4
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 55 and 56.


return to couplet #3

  • Head smaller (HW 0.43–0.47; HL 0.46–0.49). Scape relatively long (SI 113–118). Propodeal dorsum smooth. Propodeal spines long (PSL 0.20–0.22). Lateral surface of petiole weakly sculptured (Borneo) . . . . . Crematogaster brunensis
Crematogaster brunensis Pa.jpg
  • Head larger (HW 0.47–0.57; HL 0.48–0.59). Scape relatively short (SI 98–108). Propodeal dorsum striated with feeble rugulae. Propodeal spines relatively shorter (PSL 0.15–0.21). Lateral surface of petiole sculptured (W. Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Sumatra) . . . . . Crematogaster baduvi
Crematogaster baduvi casent0193723 p 1 high.jpg


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  • Metanotal groove not covered by lamellate ridges dorsolaterally (Fig. 28) (Sulawesi) . . . . . Crematogaster moatensis
  • Metanotal groove covered by lamellate ridges dorsolaterally (Fig. 29) . . . . . 6
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 28-29.


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  • Posterior portions of mesonotal dorsum forming short triangle-shaped process (Fig. 23). Standing pilosity long and abundant on head, mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole and remains of the gaster (Fig. 57) (C. binghamii group) . . . . . 7
  • Posterior portions of mesonotal dorsum not forming short triangle-shaped process (Fig. 22). Standing pilosity short and sparse (Fig. 58) . . . . . 9
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 22-23.
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 57-58.


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  • Propodeal spines developed, distinctly longer than diameter of propodeal spiracles (Fig. 59) (S. Thailand, W. Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Sumatra) . . . . . Crematogaster longipilosa
Crematogaster longipilosa casent0193780 p 1 high.jpg
  • Propodeal spines undeveloped, or weakly developed, as long as or shorter than diameter of propodeal spiracles (Figs 60, 61) . . . . . 8
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 59-61.


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  • Propodeal spines undeveloped or weakly developed, shorter than diameter of propodeal spiracles (PSL 0–0.03) (Fig. 60) (Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam) . . . . . Crematogaster binghamii
Crematogaster binghamii casent0193689 h 1 high.jpg
Crematogaster binghamii casent0193689 p 1 high.jpg
  • Propodeal spines slightly more developed, as long as diameter of propodeal spiracles (PSL 0.04–0.07) (Fig. 61) (Philippines) . . . . . Crematogaster brevispina


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  • Relatively short scape (SI 70–91). Mesosoma sculptured (Fig. 62). Subpetiolar process developed acutely (Fig. 64). Subpostpetiolar process developed acutely (Fig. 64) (C. biroi group) . . . . . 10
  • Relatively long scape (SI 81–100). Mesosoma essentially smooth and shining (Fig. 63). Subpetiolar process developed (Fig. 65). Subpostpetiolar process not developed as process; the venter convex (Fig. 65) (C. quadriruga group) . . . . . 18
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 62 and 63.
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 64 and 65.


return to couplet #9

  • Compound eyes reduced, with less than 15 ommatidia (Figs 66, 67) . . . . . 11
  • Compound eyes not reduced, with more than 20 ommatidia (Fig. 68) . . . . . 12
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 66 - 68.


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Crematogaster masukoi casent0911144 p 1 high.jpg
Crematogaster ocellata P.jpg


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  • Dorsal surface of head generally smooth and shining (Fig. 70) . . . . . 14
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 69 and 70.


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  • Head, mesosoma, petiole and postpetiole strongly sculptured reticulately. Propodeal spiracles apart from metapleural gland bulla (Fig. 71). Petiole squared, but without angulate anterolateral corners (Fig. 73) (Thailand, W. Malaysia, Borneo) . . . . . Crematogaster reticulata
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 71 and 72.
Crematogaster reticulata casent0193610 p 1 high.jpg

  • Head, mesosoma, petiole and postpetiole weakly sculptured reticulately. Propodeal spiracles touching metapleural gland bulla (as in Figure 72). Petiole squared with angulate anterolateral corners (Fig. 74) (Taiwan) . . . . . Crematogaster schimmeri
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 73 and 74.
Crematogaster schimmeri casent0907514 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #12

  • Dorsal surface of head generally smooth, but feebly sculptured at surrounding portion of compound eyes (Fig. 75). Area in front of occipital carinae sculptured (Fig. 77) (India, Sri Lanka) . . . . . Crematogaster biroi
Crematogaster biroi casent0906676 p 1 high.jpg
  • Dorsal surface of head smooth, without sculptured area in front of occipital carinae (Fig. 76) . . . . . 15
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 75-77.


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  • Head, mesosoma, petiole and postpetiole with erect setae: setae tapering distally (Fig. 78) . . . . . 16
  • Head, mesosoma, petiole and postpetiole with erect setae; setae stout and not tapering distally (Fig. 79) . . . . . 17
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 78 and 79.


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  • Propodeal spines slender (Fig. 80). Petiole tapering posteriorly in dorsal view (Fig. 82). Subpostpetiolar process angulate (Fig. 80) (China, Korea, Japan) . . . . . Crematogaster osakensis
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 80 and 81.
Crematogaster osakensis casent0235225 p 1 high.jpg
  • Propodeal spines thick (Fig. 81). Petiole with subparallel sides in dorsal view (Fig. 83). Subpostpetiolar process developed acutely (Fig. 81) (Vietnam) . . . . . Crematogaster vieti
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 82 and 83.



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  • Scape with suberect to decumbent setae (Fig. 84). Erect setae on anterior mesonotal ridge as long as on posterior mesonotal ridge (Fig. 86). Fourth abdominal tergite with erect setae abundantly (c. > 20) (Philippines) . . . . . Crematogaster luzonensis
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 84 (C. luzonensis) and 85.
  • Scape with appressed setae (Fig. 85). Erect setae on anterior mesonotal ridge longer than on posterior mesonotal ridge (Fig. 87). Fourth abdominal tergite with erect setae sparsely (c. 4–6) (W. Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra, Sulawesi) . . . . . Crematogaster fritzi
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 86 and 87.
Crematogaster fritzi casent0171221 p 1 high.jpg


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  • Compound eyes reduced, with c. 6 ommatidia (Fig. 88) (W. Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra) . . . . . Crematogaster myops
Crematogaster myops casent0902117 p 1 high.jpg
  • Compound eyes not reduced, with more than 20 ommatidia (Fig. 89) . . . . . 19
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 88 and 89.


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  • Propodeal spiracles large and touching metapleural gland bulla (Fig. 90) . . . . . 20
  • Propodeal spiracles relatively small and apart from metapleural gland bulla (Fig. 91) . . . . . 23
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 90 and 91.


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  • Lamellate ridge superficially covering metanotal groove in some specimens, but metanotal groove deep, U-shaped in lateral view (Fig. 92). Propodeal spines long and stout (Fig. 92) (PSL 0.09–0.1) (Sulawesi) . . . . . Crematogaster celebensis
  • Lamellate ridge superficially covering metanotal groove in some specimens, but metanotal groove not so deep, V-shaped in lateral view (Fig. 93). Propodeal spines relatively short to long (Fig. 93) (PSL 0.05–0.11) . . . . . 21
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 92 and 93.


  • Propodeal spines relatively short (PSL 0.05–0.08) and stout (Fig. 90) (S. Thailand, W. Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Krakatau) . . . . . Crematogaster bandarensis
Crematogaster bandarensis casent0908367 h 1 high.jpg
Crematogaster bandarensis casent0908367 p 1 high.jpg
  • Propodeal spines relatively long (PSL 0.08–0.11) and slender (Fig. 93). . . . . . 22


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  • Scape with suberect setae mixed with two to three longer setae. Body bicolored, with head and gaster brown, and mesosoma, petiole and postpetiole yelow (Borneo, Sumatra) . . . . . Crematogaster sundalandensis


return to couplet #19

  • Longitudinal rugulae on clypeus not reaching area between frontal carinae. Body bicolored, with head, mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole and first gastral tergite yellow, and remains of gaster brown in typical form, but rarely whole body yellowish. Petiole with subparallel sides in dorsal view (Fig. 94) (Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Sumatra) . . . . . Crematogaster quadriruga
Crematogaster quadriruga casent0902116 p 1 high.jpg
  • Longitudinal rugulae on clypeus extending to posterior clypeal margin. Body color yellow. Petiole tapering anteriorly in dorsal view (Fig. 95) (Japan) . . . . . Crematogaster suehiro
Hosoishi and Ogata 2016. Figures 94 and 95.