Key to Allomerus species
Key based on Fernández (2007)[1]
- Propodeum in side view with teeth, spines or tuberculae .....2
- Propodeum in side view convex to angulate, never dentate .....4
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- Propodeal spiracle high, dorsal margin at same level or sligthy above propodeal dorsum; hairs on head and promesonotum longer, about 0.2 mm in length; anterior clypeal setae long, especially medial seta . . . . . Allomerus maietae
- Propodeal spiracle lower, dorsal margin distinctly below level of propodeal dorsum; hairs on head and promesonotum shorter, less than 0.15 mm in length; anterior clypeal setae shorter .....3
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- Propodeal spiracle close to base of propodeal bulla; antennae apparently 11 segmented . . . . . Allomerus dentatus
- Propodeal spiracle distant from propodeal bulla; antennae 10 - 11 segmented . . . . . Allomerus vogeli
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- Antennae 11 segmented; pronotal suture feebly impressed dorsally; propodeum sharply angulate in lateral view . . . . . Allomerus undecemarticulatus
- Antennae 10 segmented or fewer; pronotal suture absent dorsally; propodeum rounded or feebly angulate .....5
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- Clypeus with several short, longitudinal rugulae; body pilosity short, longer hairs about 0.07 mm; anterior clypeal setae very short, central seta inconspicuous . . . . . Allomerus brevipilosus
- Clypeus smooth and shining; body pilosity longer, longest hairs about 0.12 mm; anterior clypeal setae longer, central seta conspicuous . . . . . Allomerus decemarticulatus
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- Antennae 7 (rarely 6) segmented . . . . . Allomerus septemarticulatus
- Antennae 8 (rarely 9) segmented . . . . . Allomerus octoarticulatus (or A. octoarticulatus species complex)