Key Paraparatrechina of the Indian subcontinent
Key to Paraparatrechina species of the Indian subcontinent based on the worker caste (from Sahanashree et al., 2024).
We recognize the uncertainty in the taxonomy of Indomalayan Paraparatrechina, as some species do not have the typical characteristics of the genus, and for this reason, we have not provided a key to the Indomalayan species. A comprehensive revision is necessary before reliable taxonomic key to the Indomalayan Paraparatrechina can be made.
- Body uniformly light brown; head subrectangular; mandible with 6 teeth in the masticatory margin => Paraparatrechina aseta
- Body largely metallic blue; head subtriangular; mandible with 5 teeth in the masticatory margin => Paraparatrechina neela