Cataglyphis cursor species group

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

According to Agosti (1990)[1]


Workers and Females

  • Petiole squamiform, the anterior and the posterior surface meeting at an angle but only partially forming a crest
  • Third and fourth maxillary palp segments shorter than fifth and sixth together, MPI < 90; third segment round in cross-section
  • Uniform black, exceptionally with dark reddish-brown spots on the head, mainly dull, rarely shining, surface
  • Head finely, longitudinally striate on frons; if reticulate then dorsum of alitrunk without pilosity
  • Alitrunk length of large workers < 3.4 mm


  • Uniform black or with a reddish or yellow gaster
  • Subgenital plate short (SPI < 125); with two distal, lateral rounded processes and a median part which is variable but always present
  • Squamula caudally always projecting over the stipes, sometimes forming a distinct process pointing ventrally
  • Stipes with a large, simple, median appendix with its largest diameter longer than half the length of the stipes
  • Volsella straight; in lateral view the sides of the volsella subparallel at most, distally truncated or pointed, never pediform
  • Sagitta with a depressed shield; at least distal part of the serrated face curved laterally

Species List

  1. Cataglyphis aenescens
  2. Cataglyphis cugiai
  3. Cataglyphis cursor
  4. Cataglyphis italica
  5. Cataglyphis frigida persica
  6. Cataglyphis frigida
  7. Cataglyphis piliscapa

