Camponotus antsaraingy species group
Based on Rasoamanana and Fisher 2022.
Key to Malagasy Camponotus subgenus Mayria minor workers
Camponotus antsaraingy is placed in its own group, based mainly on the following characters: its large size, the shape of its antennal scape, propodeum distinctly reduced, its dorsum covered with erect spatulate setae, and having only three gastral tergites visible in dorsal view. It is one of the groups in the subgenus Mayria with white pilosity. It differs from the madagascarensis species group by the structure of its mesosoma and its larger size.
Majors and Minors - Antennal scape entirely flattened longitudinally. In lateral view, meso-soma short and high, propodeal dorsum relatively shorter than declivitous face. Suberect spatulate hairs present on occipital portion until anterior margin of eyes and on clypeal dorsum, pubescence long and distinct, moderately abundant next to antennal insertion. Body massive, black throughout. In lateral view, petiole cunei-form, with sharp dorsal margin. Body integument matte black, finely and densely reticulate-punctate. Dorsum of mesosoma and gaster covered with numerous spatulate, whitish hairs.
Minor worker - In full-face view, head subtriangular, longer than wide, with arched posterior margin and straight lateral sides. Clypeus with projecting triangular lobe.
Major worker - In full-face view, head large, about as broad as long, with slightly convex posterior and lateral borders. Anterior margin of clypeus forming a rounded lobe.