Camponotus anatolicus

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Camponotus anatolicus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Formicinae
Tribe: Camponotini
Genus: Camponotus
Subgenus: Myrmentoma
Species group: lateralis
Species: C. anatolicus
Binomial name
Camponotus anatolicus
Karaman, C. & Aktac, 2013

Camponotus anatolicus major P.jpg

Camponotus anatolicus major D.jpg

C. anatolicus is only known from a small area in the Antalya and Mugla region of Anatolia, Turkey, between 282 m and 886 m altitude. It was collected from the side of a brook in a woodland area with Pinus brutia, Quercus coccifera, and mixed forest (Quercus spp. and Pinus brutia) habitats.


A member of the Camponotus lateralis species group. C. anatolicus is distinguished from all of the C. lateralis group species except for Camponotus staryi by the deep metanotal groove and yellowish red to reddish brown first gaster segment that is paler than the rest of the gaster segments. C. anatolicus is similar to Camponotus staryi due to the deep metanotal groove and reddish brown first gaster segment. We compared C. anatolicus with the holotype of C. staryi, which is deposited in the MIZ PAS Museum, and the new species can be differentiated from the latter by the following in minor workers: the propodeal dorsum, which is lower than the mesonotum, a thicker and almost nodiform petiole, dense appressed pilosity on the head and scape, abundant, subdecumbent and erect hairs on the dorsum of propodeum; and in major workers: shallower metanotal groove, much longer propodeal dorsum that is transversely convex or flat, and covered by abundant erect hairs, head darker than the mesosoma, abundant erect hairs on the genae and erect hairs on the lateral sides of the head and occipital corners, and dense appressed pilosity on the scape.

Seifert (2019): The character combinations to identify this species can be derived from the key, Tab. 2 and the z-stacks. The dorsal propodeal plane is in dorsal view trapezoid – i.e., in posterior part much wider than anteriorly. The mesosoma is more hairy: the bilateral sum of setae on mesonotum and propodeum dorsal of spiracle is 13-27. The metanotal depression is very deep. Head, scape, mesosoma and petiole reddish to reddish brown; mesosoma, petiole, legs reddish to reddish brown; the first gaster segment often reddish to reddish-brown, the rest of gaster blackish.

Keys including this Species


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 36.53333333° to 36.1°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Palaearctic Region: Greece, Türkiye (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.



Known only from the worker caste.


Karaman and Aktaç 2013, Figure 2.
Borowiec and Salata 2022. Figures 33.5, minor, 33.6, major. Photographed by Lech Borowiec.
Borowiec and Salata 2022. Figures 33.1-2, minor. Photographed by Lech Borowiec.
Borowiec and Salata 2022. Figures 33.3-4, intermediate. Photographed by Lech Borowiec.
Borowiec and Salata 2022. Figures 33.7-8, major. Photographed by Lech Borowiec.
Camponotus anatolicus paratype minor H.jpgCamponotus anatolicus paratype minor P.jpgCamponotus anatolicus paratype minor D.jpg


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • anatolicus. Camponotus (Myrmentoma) anatolicus Karaman, C. & Aktaç, 2013: 42, fig. 2 (s.w.) TURKEY.
    • Type-material: holotype worker, 88 paratype major and minor workers.
    • Type-locality: holotype Turkey: Antalya-Kemer-Altinyaka Village (36°22’N, 30°20’E), 551 m.,, 07/0888b (C. Karaman & K. Kiran); paratypes: 26 workers with same data, 30 workers Turkey: Antalya-Kumluca-Yenikişla Village, 886 m.,, 07/0916 (C. Karaman & K. Kiran), 20 workers Antalya-Kumluca-Calti Village, 282 m.,, 07/0924c (C. Karaman & K. Kiran).
    • [Note: also listed as worker paratypes are several other small collections.]
    • Type-depositories: EMTU (holotype); EMTU, SMNG (paratypes).
    • Status as species: Borowiec, L. 2014: 26; Seifert, 2019b: 19; Borowiec, L. & Salata, 2022: 72.
    • Distribution: Turkey.

Type Material

  • Holotype: worker: Turkey, Antalya-Kemer-Altinyaka Village (36°22’N, 30°20’E), 551 m asl., 06 June 2007: 07/0888b (leg. C. Karaman and K. Kıran) (TU).
  • Paratypes: 26 workers, from same nest with holotype (Leg. C. Karaman and K. Kiran); 1 worker, Antalya-Kumluca (36°22’N, 30°22’E), 559 m asl., 06 June 2007: 07/857b (Leg. C. Karaman and K. Kiran); 30 workers, Turkey, Antalya-Kumluca-Yenikisla Village (36°31’N, 30°11’E), 886 m asl., 07 June 2007: 07/0916 (Leg. C. Karaman and K. Kıran); 20 workers, Turkey, Antalya-Kumluca-Calti Village (36°32’N, 30°17’E), 282 m asl., 08 June 2007: 07/0924c (Leg. C. Karaman and K. Kiran); 1 worker, Turkey, Antalya-Merkez-Kizil Village (36°06’N, 30°42’E), 311 m asl., 06 August 2007: 07/1357b (Leg. C. Karaman and K. Kıran); 10 workers, Turkey, Mugla-Fethiye-Kayadibi Village (36°30’N, 29°25’E), 398 m asl., 03 June 2007: 07/0767a (Leg. C. Karaman and K. Kiran).

Seifert (2019): Investigated were five paratype workers from the holotype nest, stored in SMN Görlitz and labeled ‘TUR: 36.4635°N 30.3339°E Altinyaka-Village, 551 m leg. C.Karaman 2007.06.06 –7/0888b’ and ‘Paratypes Camponotus anatolicus Karaman & Aktac 2013’. Note that the original description gives a wrong geographic latitude and longitude. These data are corrected here according to a personal communication with C. Karaman in 2018.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Major. Head 1.13 times longer than wide, lateral sides of head narrowed in front of the eyes; occiput convex behind eyes; scape L times head length, slightly surpasses occipital corners and with basal portion not extended; anterior and posterior margin of clypeus with a concave impression medially, only upper half of clypeus slightly carinatae; mandibles with 5 teeth; eyes situated on posterior half of the head; mesosoma with deep metanotal groove; anterior face of petiole rather convex, posterior face slightly convex, dorsum of petiole broadly straight, rather low in profile, the distance between petiolar spiracle and dorsum short, 0.02 mm; posterior half of head reticulate and shiny, head under the eyes densely punctuate and subopaque; mandibles longitudinally striate, weakly shiny; sides of mesonotum and propodeum densely reticulate, shiny; gaster slightly reticulate, shiny; genae and lateral sides of head with abundant, short, erect hairs; occipital corners bare, only with appressed pilosity; occiput with 6–8 erect hairs; ventral surface of head with abundant erect hairs; scape with dense appressed pilosity and 5–8 short, erect hairs; dorsum of pronotum and mesonotum with short appressed pilosity and with 6–12 long, erect hairs, dorsum of propodeum with short, subdecumbent pilosity and long, erect hairs; dorsolateral corners of petiole with 8 long, erect hairs; gaster with scarce, appressed pilosity and erect hairs. Head, scape, mesosoma and petiole red to reddish brown; mandibles, scape, first 3–4 funicular segments and legs red, rest of funiculus brownish red and rest of body black.

Minor. Head 1.20 times longer than wide, lateral sides slightly narrowed in front of the eyes; occiput semicircular behind eyes; scape 1.03 times head length and not extended at the base; anterior margin of clypeus straight, posterior margin with a concave impression medially; mandibles with 5 teeth; eyes situated on posterior half of the head; mesosoma with rather deep metanotal groove; anterior face of petiole convex, posterior face slightly convex, dorsumof petiole straight and dorsal half rather thick in profile; gastric features same as in the major worker; head sculpturing reticulate, shiny; clypeus smooth and shiny; mesosomal sculpture as in the major worker; whole head with short and appressed pilosity; genae with erect hairs; occipital corners bare; occiput with 2–3 pairs of long, erect hairs; ventral surface of head with at least 1–2 short erect hairs; scape with dense decumbent pilosity and 1–3 erect hairs; pronotum with appressed pilosity and 4–6 erect hairs; mesonotum with appressed pilosity and 4–8 erect hairs; propodeum with short, semi-erect and 8–12 erect hairs; dorsolateral corners of petiole with 4–6 long, yellowish, erect hairs; gaster with sparse decumbent pilosity and erect hairs; head reddish, sometimes vertex and clypeus brownish red; mesosoma, petiole, legs red to reddish brown; first gastric segment red or brownish red, rest of gaster black.

Borowiec and Salata (2022), partly after Karaman & Aktaç, 2013 - Moderately large, polymorphic; minor worker: HL: 0.850-1.200 (mean 0.920); HW: 0.710-1.080 (mean 0.810); SL: 0.850- 1.050 (mean 0.930); EL: 0.210-0.280 (mean 0.230); ML: 1.24-1.65; MW: 0.55-0.83. Color. Head reddish, sometimes with vertex and clypeus partly brownish red; mesosoma and petiolar scale yellowish red to reddish brown; first gastral tergite reddish to reddish brown, rest of gaster brown to almost black; antennae and legs yellowish red to reddish brown). Head. Stout, 1.2 times longer than wide, sides in front of eyes almost straight and slightly converging anterad, behind eyes regularly rounded, posterior margin convex. Clypeus trapezoidal, with anterior margin straight to slightly convex, simple, without or with shallow median emargination, posterior margin in the middle emarginate by frontal triangle, whole surface distinctly microreticulated, appears shiny, covered with short and very sparse appressed hairs, anterior margin with a row of 4-6 long setae centrally and 2-4 short setae on sides, whole Clypeus with several moderately long erected setae. Head diffusely to distinctly microsculptured, anterior half mostly microreticulate, occipital and temporal area mostly with transverse or circular striation, surface with short and sparse appressed pubescence, appears shiny, gena, frons and anterior part of occipitum with short to long erected setae, only occipital corners without setae, ventral side of head with 1-2 moderately long to long erected setae. Scape moderately elongate, 1.0-1.1 times as long as width of head, at apex only slightly wider than in base, basal part with slightly marked horizontal extension, surface diffusely to distinctly microreticulate, shiny, with short and sparse appressed pubescence, with 1-3 short erected setae. Funicular segments elongate, thin, first segment 2.5 times as long as wide and 1.7-1.8 times as long as second segment, third segment distinctly longer than second, the rest of funicular segments distinctly longer than broad. Eyes moderately big, almost round, 0.25 length of head. Mandibles stout, diffusely microreticulate, surface shiny with numerous erected setae. Mesosoma. Moderately elongate, 1.9-2.2 times as long as wide, dorsally and laterally distinctly sculptured tending to form transverse, longitudinal, oblique and concentric striation, on sides of pronotum microstriation diffused, whole surface shiny. In lateral view dorsum with deep mesonotal groove, propodeum short and high, with flat dorsum which is 1.3 times as long as wide, posterior margin truncate, in dorsal view propodeum trapezoidal, with sides distinctly converging anterad, posterior margin approximately 1.6 times wider than anterior margin, in lateral view posterior face and dorsum form distinct angle, posterior face shallowly excavate. Surface of mesosoma with very short and scarce depressed hairs, pronotum posterolaterally with 4-6 long erected setae, mesonotum with 4-8 long erected setae, propodeum on the whole surface with 8-12 long semierect to erected setae; the number of erected setae increases with body length, the longest setae with length to 0.270. Waist and gaster. Petiolar scale thick and low, broad in anterior view, PI = 2.0, with very convex anterior and flat posterior face, apex rounded; anterior and posterior surface transversely striate, without pubescence or with few very short and very scarce appressed hairs, apical crest with 4-6 very long erected setae. Gaster shorter than mesosoma, tergites with fine and moderately dense transverse microstriation, microripples on first gastral tergite with RipD above 9.5 μm, surface shiny, covered with short and very scarce appressed hairs; each tergite with row of, very long serected setae across middle and close to posterior margin, sometimes with few additional erected setae between main rows. Legs. Elongate, hind femora shorter than mesosoma, surface of legs covered with short to moderately long and sparse appressed to decumbent hairs, inner margin of hind tibiae with row of 1-3 thorns. Ventral surface of fore femora with 6-9 long erected setae. Major worker: Large, HL: 1.280-1.630 (mean 1.450); HW: 1.110-1.480 (mean 1.290); SL: 1.080-1.350 (mean 1.150); EL: 0.280-0.350 (mean 0.300); ML: 1.65-2.03; MW: 0.88- 1.09. Body color usually darker than in minor workers, head often partly to mostly brown with yellowish brown clypeus and gena, mesosoma and petiolar scale often partly reddish brown to brown, coxa often brown. Head stouter, approximately as long as or 1.1 times longer than wide, sides of head softly convex, posterior margin straight. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly serrulate, in the middle with deep triangular or semicircular emargination. Scapus shorter, 0.8-0.9 times as long as width of head. Eyes relatively smaller, 0.21 times as long of head. Frons and genae with large setose punctures, setation on head and whole dorsum more numerous than in minor workers, occipital part with 6-8 erected setae, ventral sides of head with abundant short to long erected setae, petiolar crest with 8 very long setae. Ventral posterior surface of fore femora with abundant long erected setae.


This name is derived from the distribution of the species in Anatolia (the Asian part of Turkey).
