This myrmecophilous genus of Staphylinidae are found with Dorylus ants.
Genus and species | Author and Year | Ant Host | Distribution | Notes |
Typhloponemys acarinellus | Kistner, 1958 | Dorylus nigricans | Ivory Coast, Liberia | |
Typhloponemys aduma | Pace, 2009 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys afer | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Ghana, Tanzania, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys albertensis | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys allardi | Kistner, 1965 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys alternans | (Cameron,1948) | Dorylus nigricans | Present in Central African Rep., Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Central African Rep. | |
Typhloponemys alutacea | (Wasmann, 1904) | Dorylus mayri | Cameroon, Central African Rep., Ivory Coast, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys alzadae | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Cameroon, Nigeria | |
Typhloponemys amanica | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Tanzania, Uganda | |
Typhloponemys ashanti | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys baka | Pace, 2009 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys bakaorum | Pace, 2009 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys banfilli | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys bapunuorum | Pace, 2009 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys barbertonensis | Pace, 2012 | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys basilewskyi | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys belingensis | Pace, 2009 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys bernardi | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Uganda, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys bicolor | (Wasmann, 1904) | ants | Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys bissauensis | Pace, 1988 | ants | Guinea-Bissau | |
Typhloponemys boveni | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Angola, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys buyckxi | Kistner, 1963 | Dorylus nigricans | Cameroun, Congo | |
Typhloponemys calundoensis | Kistner, 1962 | ants | Angola, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys capensis | (Bernhauer, 1927) | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys carinella | (Kraatz, 1895) | ants | Ghana, Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys carvalhoi | Kistner, 1962 | ants | Angola | |
Typhloponemys castanea | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys celisi | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys circumplica | Kistner, 2009 | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys coiffaiti | Pace, 2009 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys crenata | (Cameron, 1926) | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys crypta | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Kenya, Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys cupra | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys daresalamensis | (Bernhauer, 1915) | ants | Somalia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe | |
Typhloponemys decellei | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Angola, Uganda, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys discalis | (Cameron, 1934) | ants | Cameroon, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys dorylina | (Bernhauer, 1927) | Dorylus | Angola, Central African Republic, Uganda, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys douceti | Kistner, 1965 | Dorylus emeryi | Ivory Coast | |
Typhloponemys dundoensis | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Angola | |
Typhloponemys eastopi | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys endroedyi | Kistner & Jacobson, 1972 | ants | Congo-Brazzaville; Zaire | |
Typhloponemys epipleuralis | (Bernhauer, 1927) | ants | Kenya, Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys eppelsheimi | (Kraatz, 1895) | Dorylus nigricans; Dorylus mayri | Present in Cameroon, Central African Rep., Gabon, Togo, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys erichsoni | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys fauveli | (Wasmann, 1904) | Dorylus nigricans | Cameroun, Ivory Coast | |
Typhloponemys femoralis | Kistner, 1968 | ants | Ivory Coast, Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys flavobrunnea | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys fusca | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Angola | |
Typhloponemys gabonensis | (Fauvel, 1899) | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys gemina | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys glabra | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys gotwaldi | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys grassei | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys guineensis | (Bernhauer, 1932) | ants | Angola, Cameroon, Guinea, Sierra Leone | |
Typhloponemys hazyviewensis | Pace, 2012 | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys hirsutocollis | Kistner, 1965 | Dorylus nigricans | Ivory Coast | |
Typhloponemys hirsutopudenda | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Angola, Cameroon, Ghana, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys horni | (Bernhauer, 1927) | Dorylus nigricans | Angola, Cameroon, Central African Rep., Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys hypogaea | Rey, 1886 | ants | Israel | |
Typhloponemys infima | (Wasmann, 1911) | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys judithae | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys kaleida | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Angola | |
Typhloponemys kapangae | (Bernhauer, 1938) | ants | Angola, Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe | |
Typhloponemys kaszabi | Kistner & Jacobson, 1972 | ants | Congo-Brazzaville; Zaire | |
Typhloponemys khandalae | Kistner, 1958 | ants | India | |
Typhloponemys kistneri | Pace, 2009 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys kohli | (Wasmann, 1904) | ants | Tanzania, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys kraatzi | (Fauvel, 1899) | ants | Cameroon, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys lamottei | Kistner, 1963 | Dorylus emeryi | Ivory Coast, Guinea | |
Typhloponemys leleupi | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys liberiensis | Kistner, 1965 | Dorylus nigricans | Liberia | |
Typhloponemys longicornis | (Wasmann, 1904 | Dorylus | Cameroon | |
Typhloponemys lujae | (Wasmann, 1904) | ants | Angola, Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia | |
Typhloponemys machadoi | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Angola | |
Typhloponemys maliensis | Pace, 2012 | ants | Mali | |
Typhloponemys manni | Kistner, 1958 | Dorylus nigricans | Cameroun | |
Typhloponemys maranguensis | Kistner, 1960 | ants | Kenya, Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys marshalli | (Bernhauer, 1927) | ants | Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe | |
Typhloponemys mbalensis | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Zambia | |
Typhloponemys megalophthalmus | Kistner, 1958 | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys metallica | (Cameron, 1926) | ants | Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys methneri | (Bernhauer, 1915) | ants | Kenya, Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia | |
Typhloponemys minuta | (Bernhauer, 1927) | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys morio | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Congo-Brazzaville, Zaire, South Africa | |
Typhloponemys navicularis | (Bernhauer, 1927) | ants | Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys neobasilewskyi | Kistner, 1968 | ants | Ivory Coast | |
Typhloponemys nigeriensis | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Nigeria | |
Typhloponemys nigerrima | (Bernhauer, 1939) | ants | Cameroon | |
Typhloponemys noiroti | Kistner, 1965 | Dorylus nigricans | Ivory Coast, Liberia | |
Typhloponemys obscura | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys paenesplendida | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Sierra Leone | |
Typhloponemys pallipennis | (Bernhauer, 1934) | ants | Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Zaire, Zambia | |
Typhloponemys parakohli | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Uganda | |
Typhloponemys patrizii | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Tanzania, Uganda | |
Typhloponemys pauliani | Kistner, 1965 | Dorylus emeryi | Ivory Coast | |
Typhloponemys peostena | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys perplexa | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys photophila | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Tanzania, Zambia | |
Typhloponemys platycollis | Kistner, 1965 | Dorylus nigricans | Ivory Coast | |
Typhloponemys pubescens | (Wasmann, 1904) | Dorylus nigricans; Dorylus mayri | Liberia, Ivory Coast, Cameroun | |
Typhloponemys pumilio | (Bernhauer, 1932) | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys punctata | (Fauvel, 1899) | ants | Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon, Nigeria, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys raffrayi | (Wasmann, 1897) | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys raignieri | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys reichenspergeri | (Cameron, 1938) | ants | Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia | |
Typhloponemys rufa | (Raffray, 1898) | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys ruficollis | (Cameron, 1938) | ants | Ivory Coast, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys rufotestacea | (Bernhauer, 1927) | ants | Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Rwanda, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys scabra | Kistner, 1965 | Dorylus nigricans | Liberia | |
Typhloponemys schwabi | Jacobson, 1980 | ants | Cameroon | |
Typhloponemys schweitzeri | Pace, 2009 | ants | Gabon | |
Typhloponemys selachoderma | Jacobson & Kistner, 1974 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys setifer | (Cameron, 1926) | ants | Gabon, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys setulosa | (Wasmann, 1904) | Dorylus nigricans | Cameroun | |
Typhloponemys seydeli | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Zaire, Zambia | |
Typhloponemys spectabilis | (Bernhauer, 1927) | ants | Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys splendida | (Wasmann, 1904) | ants | Ivory Coast, Uganda, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys tambaensis | Pace, 2008 | ants | Guinea | |
Typhloponemys tanzaniensis | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys termitophila | (Wasmann, 1906) | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys thayerae | Kistner, 2009 | ants | South Africa | |
Typhloponemys tubmani | Kistner, 1965 | Dorylus nigricans | Liberia, Ivory Coast | |
Typhloponemys uncinata | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Nigeria, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys voltaicus | Jacobson, 1980 | ants | Ghana | |
Typhloponemys wasmanni | (Bernhauer, 1915) | Dorylus nigricans | Present in Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana | |
Typhloponemys watamuensis | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Kenya, Malawi | |
Typhloponemys wilkinsoni | Kistner, 1963 | ants | Kenya, Tanzania | |
Typhloponemys wittei | (Cameron, 1950) | ants | Rwanda, Zaire | |
Typhloponemys zairensis | Jacobson & Kistner, 1975 | ants | Zaire | |
Typhloponemys zodium | Kistner, 1958 | ants | Kenya, Zaire |
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