Technomyrmex shattucki

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Technomyrmex shattucki
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Dolichoderinae
Genus: Technomyrmex
Species: T. shattucki
Binomial name
Technomyrmex shattucki
Bolton, 2007

Technomyrmex shattucki casent0172027 profile 1.jpg

Technomyrmex shattucki casent0172027 dorsal 1.jpg

Specimen labels

Known from rainforest habitat and, in cases where further details are noted on the labels, were found on vegetation.


Bolton (2007) - A member of the Technomyrmex grandis group. The spectacular pilosity of this apparently arboreal species immediately isolates shattucki from all other Technomyrmex species of Australia. Its closest known relative is the Malesian Technomyrmex grandis, but this tends to be somewhat larger, has longer scapes and has larger eyes that are located more posteriorly on the head.

Keys including this Species


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: -16.25° to -19.00085923°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Australasian Region: Australia (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • shattucki. Technomyrmex shattucki Bolton, 2007a: 116 (w.m.) AUSTRALIA.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype. TL 3.7, HL 0.82, HW 0.73, SL 0.86, PW 0.50, WL 1.16. Indices: C189, SI 118, OI 26, EPI 80, DTI 148.

Scapes and tibiae with numerous projecting suberect to sub decumbent setae; longest setae on each slightly shorter than maximum diameter of the segment from which they arise; obliquely projecting setae also numerous on femora. Dorsum of head with 6 – 7 pairs of long fine setae and a large number of shorter setae of varying length; longest pair, located close to posterior margin, almost two times the maximum diameter of the eye. With head in full-face view the sides with abundant obliquely projecting short setae. Dorsal mesosoma with numerous setae on each sclerite, including the propodeal dorsum where they are relatively short. Gastral tergites 1 - 4 with abundant setae of varying length· the longest on the first tergite almost two times the maximum diameter of the eye. All surfaces of head and body also with fine dense appressed pubescence. Anterior clypeal margin with a shallow median concavity that is much broader than long. With head in full-face view the eyes slightly in front of the midlength of the sides. Mandibles smooth except for setal pits; remainder of head and body with the dense microreticulate-shagreenate sculpture that is prevalent in this genus. Mesosoma moderately elongate (DTI > 135). Propodeum in profile with a relatively long, weakly convex dorsum that rounds posteriorly into the declivity, the two surfaces not separated by a marked angle; straight-line length of dorsum distinctly greater than depth of declivity to the spiracle. Head, mesosoma, petiole and gaster blackish brown to black. All leg segments very dark brown except for the trochanters and tarsi which are yellow.

Paratypes. TL 3.4 - 3.8, HL 0.78 - 0.88, HW 0.68 - 0.74, SL 0.80 - 0.90, PW 0.49 - 0.54, WL 1.14 - 1.28. Indices: Cl 84 - 89, SI 118 - 124, OI 26 - 27, EPI 78 - 91, DTI 142 -152. As holotype.

Type Material

Holotype worker, Australia: NE. Queensland, Kirrama Ra., Mt Hosie, 800 - 930 m., 10.xi.1986 (Monteith, Thompson & Hamlet) (Australian National Insect Collection). Paratypes. Australia: 2 workers, N. Queensland, Tully Falls Nat. Pk, c. 750 m., 2.vii.1971, strays ex trunks and low foliage rainforest, R. W. Taylor accession 71.877 (R. W. Taylor & J. Feehan); 2 workers, N: Queensland, Thornton Range, 150-180 m., 145.26 X 16.15,, R.W. Taylor accession 71.539 (R. W. Taylor & J. Feehan); 1 worker, 1 male, N. Queensland, Koombooloomba, c. 7,0 m., 4.vii.l971, strays ex trunks and low foliage rainforest, R. W. Taylor accession 71.976 (R. W. Taylor & J. Feehan); 3 workers, Queensland, Yungaburra, 17.15 S, 145.44 E, Lake Barrine National Forest, 533117, iii.l998, ANIC database No. 32011711 (A.D. Cutter) (ANIC). [Note. Any other specimens of these 5 series in ANIC should also be considered as paratypes.]


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Bolton B. 2007. Taxonomy of the dolichoderine ant genus Technomyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) based on the worker caste. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 35(1): 1-150.