Tapinoma himalaicum

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Tapinoma himalaicum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Dolichoderinae
Genus: Tapinoma
Species group: lugubre
Species: T. himalaicum
Binomial name
Tapinoma himalaicum
Bharti, Kumar & Dubovikoff, 2013

Tapinoma himalaica casent0906086 p 1 high.jpg

Tapinoma himalaica casent0906086 d 1 high.jpg

Specimen Labels

This species has been collected from Shivalik Range of the North-Western Himalaya. The area has patchy forest with a semi-arid type of environment. This species seems to be arboreal.


Bharti, Kumar and Dubovikoff (2013) - Different from two other species of the lugubre species-group by more narrow head (HW 0.41) and very long scapes (SI 1.2). A key of the lugubre species-group of the genus Tapinoma is given below.

Key to lugubre species-group workers:


  • Anteromedial clypeal margin with a wide shallow medial concavity . . . . . Tapinoma lugubre
  • Anteromedial clypeal margin more deeply concave 2


  • Head relatively wide and short (CI 0.82). Scape is relatively short, surpassing of posterior margin of head about on 1/4 of its length (SI 0.88) . . . . . Tapinoma wilsoni
  • Head more narrow and long (CI 0.8). Scape is very long, surpassing of posterior margin of head more than 1/3 of its length (SI 1.2). . . . . Tapinoma himalaicum


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 32.7496° to 31.842°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Oriental Region: India (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




Images from AntWeb

Tapinoma himalaica casent0906087 h 1 high.jpgTapinoma himalaica casent0906087 p 1 high.jpgTapinoma himalaica casent0906087 d 1 high.jpgTapinoma himalaica casent0906087 l 1 high.jpg
Paratype of Tapinoma himalaicumWorker. Specimen code casent0906087. Photographer Estella Ortega, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Tapinoma himalaica casent0906088 h 1 high.jpgTapinoma himalaica casent0906088 h 2 high.jpgTapinoma himalaica casent0906088 p 1 high.jpgTapinoma himalaica casent0906088 p 2 high.jpgTapinoma himalaica casent0906088 d 1 high.jpgTapinoma himalaica casent0906088 l 1 high.jpg
Paratype of Tapinoma himalaicumWorker. Specimen code casent0906088. Photographer Estella Ortega, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • himalaicum. Tapinoma himalaica Bharti, Kumar & Dubovikoff, 2013: 303, figs. 1-3 (w.) INDIA.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.


(holotype and followed by the range for 10 paratype workers): LES 0.05 (0.03–0.05), EW 0.06 (0.06– 0.07), ES 0.23 (0.21–0.23), HW 0.41 (0.41–0.42), OOD 0.25 (0.25–0.27), EL 0.13 (0.12–0.13), OCD 0.05 (0.05–0.07), CL 0.12 (0.09–0.1), HL 0.53 (0.52–0.53), SL 0.49 (0.48–0.52), PnL 0.24 (0.24–0.28), ML 0.16 (0.16–0.2), PpL 0.10 (0.10–0.12), CI 0.77 (0.77–0.8), OI 0.46 (0.46–0.53), SI 1.2 (1.16–1.23).

Head longer than wide, posterior head margin convex, slightly narrow posteriorly, sides weakly convex, almost parallel, posterolateral corners broadly rounded, vertex convex. Eyes relatively big, longer than wide, anterior on head, with 35–40 ommatidia. Antennae 12-segmented, scapus long, at least surpassing the posterior head margin by 1/3 of its length. Anterolateral clypeal margin even with the mediolateral region; anteromedial clypeal margin concave; posterior clypeal margin even with or anterior to the anterior surfaces of the antennal socket cavities. Anterolateral hypostoma reduced to a thin sclerite; medial hypostoma notch like, absent posteromedially and weakly developed anterolaterally near the anterior corners of the notch. Masticatory margin of mandibles with 7–8 teeth and 2–4 denticles, 3rd tooth smaller than 4th tooth, apical tooth longer than subapical tooth, basal angle defined by a denticle, basal margin smooth, without denticles. Palp formula 6 : 4; 1stmaxillary palp segment smallest and almost equal to half of the length of 2nd segment, 2–5 maxillary palp segments almost equal in length, apical segment longer than other segments; all the segments of maxillary palps almost equal in length. Posteroventral pronotum lateral, rounded. Dorsum and declivitous faces of propodeum flat, dorsal face shorter than its declivitous face; propodeal angle with a distinct ridge or carina; with high acute end; dorsum of mesosoma without setae; dorsum of pronotum and mesonotum even; metanotal groove forming a distinct angle between the mesonotum and propodeum; metanotal spiracle present on dorsal surface in lateral view; propodeal spiracles lateral and located posteriorly near the declivitous face. Petiolar scale very small, strongly inclined anteriorly; venter with a well develop lobe. In dorsal view only 4 gastral tergites visible, 1st gastral tergite projecting anteriorly, concealing all but the extreme region of the petiole in dorsal view, anteriorly with a groove for the reception of the entire height of the petiole; 5th tergite ventral, gaster with 4 apparent tergites; 4th sternite keel-shaped posteriorly. Hind tibial spur with well developed barbules along entire inner surface.

Whole body finely punctured or coriaceous. Anterior clypeal setae 8–10; central pair longer and about the same length as the closed mandibles, lateral setae shorter; frontal carinae present and with 2 pairs of setae; mandibles with numerous long suberect hairs. Number of setae on gaster includes: 1st gastral tergite without setae, 2nd gastral tergite with 1–2 pairs, 3rd and 4th with 2–3 pairs of setae. Body covered with fine appressed pubescence. Body brownish yellow with more light appendages.

Type Material

Holotype (worker): India: Himachal Pradesh, Terrace (31.928591°N / 75.931342°E, 420 m alt.), 25.09.2009, honey bait (leg. R. Kumar). Paratypes: 3 (w), Himachal Pradesh, Kotla (560 m alt.), 13.10.2008, beating; 9 (w), Himachal Pradesh, Terrace (420 m alt.), 25.09.2009, honey bait; 3 (w), Terrace (420 m alt.), 25.09.2009, beating; 2 (w), Siholi (550 m alt.), 2.10.2009, winkler; 3 (w), Jammu and Kashmir, Ramnagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Manda (400 m alt.), 4.08.2010, hand picking; 2 (w), Punjab, Dharampur (450 m alt.), beating; leg. R. Kumar. Holotype and paratypes are in Punjabi University Patiala Ant Collection; 1 paratype will be deposited in BMNH; 4 paratypes will be deposited in ZISP.


The name of the new species is derived from geographical area where type specimens were collected.
