Strumigenys marginata group

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Strumigenys marginata group Bolton (2000)


Afrotropical-West Palaeartic

Worker Diagnosis

Mandibles in full-face view and at full closure triangular and with serially dentate masticatory margins that engage throughout their visible length. In ventral view outer margin of mandible without a prebasal inflected angle. MI 8-14.

Dentition. Basally with a row of 7 teeth, without a diastema between basal lamella and basal tooth; basal row followed by 4 minute denticles and a small apical tooth, giving a total dental count of 12.

Basal lamella of mandible a long low lobe; in full-face view not or only partially visible when the mandibles are fully closed.

Labrum terminates in a pair of triangular to conical narrow lobes.

Clypeus with anterior margin broadly and shallowly convex in full-face view, the lateral margins approximately parallel and not converging anteriorly. Sides of clypeus expanded laterally so that there is a transverse section of the anterior clypeal margin that projects laterally on each side well beyond the visible outer margins of the mandibles. With head in ventral view the lateral clypeal margins extending well beyond the outer margins of the fully closed mandibles through the basal third or more of their length.

Clypeal margins and dorsum lacking hairs of any description.

Preocular carina conspicuous in full-face view.

Ventrolateral margin of head between eye and mandible angular. Postbuccal impression small.

Cuticle of side of head within scrobe shagreenate to reticulate-punctate.

Scape short to moderate, SI 64-78, cylindrical to subcylindrical, the dorsum and ventre not converging anteriorly to form a flange or thin lamella. Ventral surface of scape convex to shallowly concave.

Leading edge of scape without projecting hairs; any hairs on the leading edge are minute, simple to extremely narrowly spatulate, decumbent to appressed , and directed toward the scape apex.

Pronotal dorsum with a median longitudinal carina.

Propodeum bidentate, the teeth each subtended by a broad lamella.

Spongiform appendages of waist segments well developed. Base of first gastral sternites with spongiform tissue absent or weakly developed.

Pilosity. Pronotal humeri each with a single long flagellate hair. Dorsolateral margin of head with 3-4 flagellate hairs on each side. Sparse simple to flagellate fine pilosity present on cephalic dorsum (close to occipital margin) and on dorsal surfaces of alitrunk, waist and first gastral tergite. Ground-pilosity ofhead sparse, very small curved hairs.

Sculpture. Dorsum of head behind clypeus reticulate-punctate. Side of trunk and disc of petiole smooth.


The two Afrotropical species of this small group were fully described and documented by Bolton (1983).
