List one or more tables to query. Aliases for tables can be set as "TableName=Alias". Example: Cities=city, Countries
List fields to display. Default value is "_pageName". Aliases for fields can be set as "FieldName=Alias". Example: Cities.Population=P, Countries.Capital
Enter condition(s). Multiple conditions can be separated by AND/OR. Example: Country.Continent = 'North America' AND City.Population > 100000
Mandatory when multiple tables are entered. Example: Cities.Country=Countries._pageName
Combine rows with the same value for these field(s) into a single row. Example: Countries.Continent
Enter condition(s) to only return rows with certain aggregate values. Example: COUNT(*) > 10
List fields to sort query results. Default value is _pageName ASC.
Enter the maximum number of results to display. Default value is 5000.
Specify the number of rows to skip. Default value is 0.
Set the format for displaying results.