Protanilla gengma

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Protanilla gengma
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Leptanillinae
Tribe: Leptanillini
Genus: Protanilla
Species: P. gengma
Binomial name
Protanilla gengma
Xu, Z., 2012

The types of this species were collected from a soil sample in monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest in China while a second collection from India was made in a shaded spot with about 70% canopy cover within a tropical wet evergreen forest, using a Winkler extractor from sifted leaf litter (Aswaj et al., 2020).


Protanilla gengma is close to Protanilla bicolor, but in full face view, anterior 1/2 of the head distinctly narrowed forward; in profile view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node rounded; head light black to blackish brown; body large with TL 4.1-4.5 mm. (Xu 2012)

  • pxGriebenow (2024), Figure 34. Abdominal segments II–III of female Leptanillinae, profile view. Abdominal tergite II outlined in red; anterior of abdominal segment III outlined in blue. A, Opamyrma hungvuong (AKY05vii17-06) (Yamada et al. 2020: fig. 1C), worker. B, Protanilla gengma (CASENT0179564), worker. C, Protanilla id01 (MCZENT00728282), gyne. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A); 0.2 mm (B, C).

Keys including this Species


Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Oriental Region: India.
Palaearctic Region: China (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • gengma. Protanilla gengma Xu, 2012: 485, figs. 13-16 (w.) CHINA.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Xu 2012 Furcotanilla Fig 13-16.jpg

Holotype: TL 4.1, HL 0.73, HW 0.60, CI 83, SL 0.68, SI 113, ML 0.43, PW 0.48, AL 1.20, PNL 0.38, PNH 0.48, PNW 0.26, PPNL 0.35, PPNH 0.48, PPNW 0.28.

In full face view, head longer than broad, anterior 1/2 of the head distinctly narrowed forward. Lateral sides evenly convex, anterolateral corners of head prominent and tooth-like. Occipital margin weakly concave, occipital corners rounded. Mandibles elongate and down-curved apically, dorsolateral surface without a longitudinal groove, basal corners roundly prominent, masticatory margin with about 21 peg-like teeth. Clypeus nearly trapezoidal, anterior margin evenly concave. Apex of labrum roundly convex, with 4 peg-like teeth. Antennae 12-segmented, apices of scapes surpassed occipital corners by about 1/6 of its length, flagella segments 4-9 about as broad as long.

In profile view, dorsum of pronotum nearly straight. Promesonotal suture complete but not depressed. Dorsum of mesonotum straight, slope down backward. Metanotal groove moderately notched. Dorsum of propodeum slightly convex, weakly slope down backward, posterodorsal corner evenly convex; declivity weakly convex, about 1/2 length of the dorsum. Petiolar node nearly trapezoidal, anterior and posterior faces nearly straight, dorsal face roundly convex; anterodorsal corner slightly higher the posterodorsal corner, both are rounded. Ventral face of petiole roundly convex, anteroventral corner roundly extruding, with a circular semitransparent fenestra; posteroventral corner acutely angled. Postpetiolar node strongly inclined forward, with dorsum roundly convex, anterodorsal corner bluntly prominent, anterior face straight; ventral face roundly convex, anteroventral corner bluntly angled. Sting strong and extruding.

In dorsal view, mesonotum strongly constricted. Petiolar node nearly rectangular, longer than broad, length : width = 1.4:1, lateral sides evenly convex, anterior face nearly straight, posterior face roundly convex. Postpetiolar node trapezoidal and widened backward, longer than broad, length : width = 1.3:1; lateral sides weakly convex, anterior face roundly convex, posterior face nearly straight. Anterior margin of gaster straight.

Mandibles sparsely finely punctured. Head and body smooth and shining. Dorsa of head and gaster with abundant erect to suberect hairs and dense decumbent pubescence. Alitrunk, petiole, and postpetiole with sparse erect to suberect hairs and abundant decumbent pubescence. Scapes and tibiae with abundant suberect to subdecumbent hairs and dense decumbent pubescence. Mouthparts with abundant longer hairs, apex of mandible with a stout long hair. Head light black. Mandibles, antennae, prothorax, legs, and gastral segments 2-4 yellowish brown. Mesothorax, metathorax, propodeum, petiole, postpetiole, and first gastral segment black.

Paratype: TL 4.1-4.5, HL 0.70-0.78, HW 0.60-0.65, CI 83-87, SL 0.65-0.73, SI 104-113, ML 0.43-0.48, PW 0.48-0.51, AL 1.18-1.30, PNL 0.35-0.38, PNH 0.48-0.50, PNW 0.26-0.29, PPNL 0.33-0.35, PPNH 0.48-0.51, PPNW 0.28-0.30 (6 individuals measured.). As holotype, but head light black to blackish brown.

Type Material

Holotype: worker, China: Yunnan Province, Gengma County, Mengding Town, Nantianmen, 1760m, collected from a soil sample in monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest, 2011.III.10, Hai-Bin Li leg., No. A11-29.

Paratypes: 6 workers, with the same data as holotype.


The new species is named after the type locality “Gengma”.


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Guénard B., and R. R. Dunn. 2012. A checklist of the ants of China. Zootaxa 3558: 1-77.
  • Song Y., Z. Xu, C. Li, N. Zhang, L. Zhang, H. Jiang, and F. Mo. 2013. An Analysis on the Ant Fauna of the Nangun river Nature Reserve in Yunnan, China. Forest Research 26(6): 773-780.
  • Xu Z.-H. 2012. Furcotanilla, a new genus of the ant subfamily Leptanillinae from China with descriptions of two new species of Protanilla and P. rafflesi Taylor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 59: 477-491.