Prenolepis tosa

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Prenolepis tosa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Formicinae
Tribe: Lasiini
Genus: Prenolepis
Species: P. tosa
Binomial name
Prenolepis tosa
Terayama & Kinomura, 2019

Prenolepis tosa appears to be the only known arboreal species of this genus.

Photo Gallery

  • Terayama & Kinomura (2019), Figs. 1–5. Prenolepis tosa. 1–3, worker; 4, 5, female. 1, 4, Head, full-face view; 2, alitrunk and petiole, lateral view; 3, 5, light mandible.
  • Terayama & Kinomura (2019), Figs. 6–11. Prenolepis tosa. 6, worker walking on the tree trunk; 7, workers near the nest entrance; 8, workers in the observation nest in a room; 9, carrow alate female and a female pupa; 10, alate females; 11, male, workers and larvae.


Terayama and Kinomura (2019) - The workers of this species resemble Prenolepis fisheri from India in the presence of three small ocelli, the subtriangular petiolar node, and the dark brown to black body. However, P. tosa differs from the latter in having a smooth head (lightly reticulated in P. fisheri) and a convex ventral margin of the petiole (which is almost straight in P. fisheri).


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 32.7° to 32.7°.

Tropical South
  • Source: Terayama & Kinomura, 2019

Distribution based on type material

Japan (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.


Nesting Habits

Terayama and Kinomura (2019) - The nest was found on the trunk of a broad-leaved tree, Camellia japonica. Two nest entrances were found at high of approximately 80 cm and 120 cm from the surface of ground, respectively. Worker activities were found on the surface of trees, and no individuals were found on the ground. It is suggested that this species is arboreal.



The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • tosa. Prenolepis tosa Terayama & Kinomura, 2019: 45, figs. 1-11 ( JAPAN (Kochi Pref).

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Measurements (mm) and indices: Holotype worker; CMC 20; EL 0.17; EW 0.14; HL 0.62; HLA 0.29; HLP 0.20; HW 0.57; IOD 0.38; LF1 0.14; LF2 0.06; LHT 0.68; MMC 4; MTW 0.31; MW 0.18; PDH 0.24; PMC 4; PrCL 0.26; PrCW 0.18; PrFL 0.55; PrFW 0.14; PTH 0.16; PTL 0.30; PTW 0.14; PW 0.36; SL 0.66; TL 2.2; WF1 0.13; WF2 0.04; WL 0.90; BLI 158; CI 93; EPI 135; FLI 233; HTI 119; PetHI 67; PetWI 46; PrCI 69; PrFI 25; REL 28; REL2 30; REL3 45; SI 116.

Measurements (mm) and indices: Paratype workers (n=3); CMC 20–25; EL 0.17–0.18; EW 0.12–0.13; HL 0.61–0.62; HLA 0.27–0.29; HLP 0.18–0.19; HW 0.56–0.58; IOD 0.38–0.39; LF1 0.12–0.13; LF2 0.05; LHT 0.68–0.70 MMC 4 MTW 0.27–0.29; MW 0.18–0.20; PDH 0.23–0.24; PMC 4; PrCL 0.24–0.25; PrCW 0.21–0.22; PrFL 0.52–0.55; PrFW 0.15–0.18; PTH 0.16; PTL 0.27–0.28; PTW 0.12–0.14; PW 0.35–0.37; SL 0.64–0.65 TL 2.2–2.3 WF1 0.12–0.13; WF2 0.05; WL 0.75–0.83; BLI 133–143; CI 91–94; EPI 157–160; FLI 237–250; HTI 120–121; PetHI 63–65; PetWI 43–45; PrCI 80–89; PrFI 24–32; REL 28–29; REL2 30–32; REL3 46; SI 111–116.

Structure: Head subtriangular, almost as long as wide, widest at posterior 2/5, with almost straight posterior margin and convex sides in full-face view; posterodorsal corner rounded, not forming an angle. Mandible subtriangular, masticatory margin with 6 teeth of which anterior-most one is longest and anterior 4th longer than other 4 teeth. Clypeus with weakly convex anterior margin and median longitudinal carina. Antenna long and slender: scape exceeding posterior margin of head by ca. 1/2 its length; 2nd segment 2.5 times as long as wide, 3rd slightly longer than wide, 4th to 11th segments each longer than wide, the ratio of 2nd to 5th segments about 2:3:3:3 in length from the base; terminal segment 3.0 times as long as wide, with acute apex. Eye convex, 0.19 mm in maximum diameter, and situated posterior 2/5 of head. Three small ocelli present, forming obtuse triangle. Dorsal outline of pro- and mesonotum broad reversed V-shaped; in dorsal view pronotal disc 0.35 mm in maximum width, with convex anterior margin and sides; anterolateral corner not forming an angle. Dorsal outline of propodeum straight; posterolateral corner rounded, not forming an angle. Petiole longer, 1.8 times as long as high, with round anterodorsal margin, straight posterodorsal margin, and weakly convex ventral margin. Gaster oval; 1st gastral tergite 0.63 mm in maximum width in dorsal view.

Sclupture: Frons and vertex of head smooth and shining; maler space and genal area smooth and shining. Mandible smooth and shining. Antenna weakly microreticulate. Alitrunk smooth and shining excepting (anterior and posterior potions weakly striate; propodeum with many transverse striae). Petiole smooth and shining. Gaster smooth and shining. Legs smooth.

Pilosity: Dorsum of head scattered with short erect pubescences; frons with a pair of long erect setae which are ca. 0.25 mm in length. Dorsa of pronotum and mesonotum with 2 pairs of long erect setae respectively; propodeal dorsum with 8 erect setae. Petiolar node with short decumbent pubescences and without distinct setae. Dorsum of terga scattered with long erect or suberect setae. Antenna and legs moderately abundant suberect setae.

Color: Head, alitrunk and petiole blackish brown; gaster black; legs blackish brown excepting tarsi brown; mandible and antenna brown.


Measurements (mm) and indices (n=1): CMC 25; EL 0.35; EW 0.26; HL 0.80; HLA 0.28; HLP 0.20; HW 0.88; IOD 0.50; LF1 0.14; LF2 0.06; LHT 0.8;8 MMC 30; MTW 0.88; MW 0.95; PDH 0.50; PMC 21; PrCL 0.38; PrCW 0.29; PrFL 0.88; PrFW 0.21; PTH 0.30; PTL 0.33; PTW 0.30; PW 0.75; SL 0.7;8 TL 3.9; WF1 0.06; WF2 0.06; WL 1.33; BLI 154; CI 84; EPI 131; FLI 100; HTI 100; PetHI 60; PetWI 92; PrCI 132; PrFI 24; REL 44; REL2 40; REL3 70; SI 89.

Structure: Head wide, 0.89 times as long as wide, widest at posterior end, with straight posterior margin in full face view; sides tapering to the anterior end; posterodorsal corner forming an angle. Mandible subtriangular, dorsal margin with 6 teeth of which anterior- most one is longest and anterior 4th longer than other 4 teeth. Compound eye convex, 0.35 mm in maximum diameter. Ocelli forming obtuse triangle; distance between posterior ocelli: distance between the anterior ocellus and a posterior ocellus = 7:4; distance from a posterior ocellus to nearest eye margin 0.6 times distance across and including posterior ocelli; anterior ocellus relatively large, 0.10 mm in diameter. Alitrunk in profile, with ration to length to height 53 : 29; dorsal outline moderately convex, from anterior portion of pronotum to axilla; propodeal dorsum straight; posterodorsal corner forming dull angle. In dorsal view, pronotum 0.93 mm in maximun width, with convex anterior margin; propodeum rectangular, 0.81 mm in maximum length, and 0.40 times as long as wide. Forewing 4.2 mm long. Petiole small, longer than high, 1.5 times as long as high; dorsal margin straight in posterior view. Gaster oval; 1st gastral tergite 1.33 mm in maximum width in dorsal view.

Sclupture: Frons and vertex of head smooth and shining; maler space and genal area smooth and shining. Mandible smooth and shining. Antenna weakly microreticulate. Alitrunk smooth and shining excepting (anterior and posterior potions weakly striate; propodeum with many transverse striae). Petiole smooth and shining. Gaster micoreticulate. Legs smooth.

Pilosity: Head and alitrunk covered with pubescences; dorsum of alitrunk scattered with short erect setae. Petiolar node with short decumbent pubescences and without distinct setae. Gaster with moderately abundant pubescences. Antenna and legs with short pubescences.

Color: Head, alitrunk and petiole blackish brown; gaster black; legs blackish brown excepting tarsi brown; mandible and antenna brown. Wings hyaline.

Type Material

  • Holotype worker: Japan, Kochi Prefecture, Tosashimizu, Cape Ashizuri, 24 May 2014, K. Kinomura (deposited in NIAS).
  • Paratypes: 5 paratype workers with same data as holotype, 1 alate paratype queen with same data as holotype but 7 July 2014 and "reared from a pupa" (deposited in NIAS).


The species epithet refers to the historic Tosa Province, on whose territory the type colony was found.
