Paramixogaster sulawesiana

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Paramixogaster sulawesiana
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Flies
Suborder: Aschiza
Family: Syrphidae
Subfamily: Microdontinae
Genus: Paramixogaster
Species: P. sulawesiana
Binomial name
Paramixogaster sulawesiana
Reemer, 2024


Body length: 8–9.5 mm. Belongs to the group of species with lateral bulges on the frons (Figs 104, 105, 107). From P. fujianensis it differs by tergite 2 being less than twice as long as wide (more than twice as long as wide in P. fujianensis). From P. icariiformis it differs by the presence of fasciae of golden setulae along the posterior margins of tergites 3 and 4 (absent in P. icariiformis). There is a continuous fascia of golden setulae along the transverse suture of the scutum, and there are fasciae of golden setulae along the posterior margins of tergites 3 and 4 (Fig. 102). These fasciae are not as dense and as sharply demarcated as in P. kodaiana Sankararaman & Reemer, sp. nov. (from which it also differs by the lack of dark colouration in wing cell r4+5), but more similar to those in P. huoi Reemer, nom. nov. From the latter species, P. sulawesiana Reemer, sp. nov. differs by the wing venation: the apex of R2+3 is situated well beyond the joint of M1 with R4+5 (at approximately the same level in P. huoi Reemer, nom. nov.). Male genitalia as in Fig. 134.



Indonesia: Sulawesi
