Longino, John Thomas

E-mail: longinoj@evergreen.edu Born 5 October 1956; Sarasota, Florida Address Lab 1 The Evergreen State College Olympia, Washington 98505 Education B.S., Duke University, 1978 (graduation with distinction in zoology) Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin, 1984 (Zoology); Advisor: L. E. Gilbert Professional Experience Research Associate in Entomology, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, 1985 to present. Member of the Faculty, The Evergreen State College, 1991 to present. Scientific Director, Project ALAS, 1991 to present. Research Interests Work on the taxonomy of neotropical ants since 1984, both revisions of selected genera (Crematogaster, Myrmelachista, Azteca, Procryptocerus), and regional faunistic work in Costa Rica; studies of the biology of the ant-plant associations, particularly the association between Cecropia trees and Azteca ants in the neotropics; biodiversity inventory methodology.