Key to Zasphinctus of the southwestern Australian Botanical Province

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This worker key is based on: Heterick, B. E. 2009b. A guide to the ants of South-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 76: 1-206. Part 2.

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  • Spaces between fovea on cuticle at sides of head and on dorsum of mesosoma and node very narrow so that these surfaces appear matt except in certain lights (Figure 490) . . . . . Zasphinctus emeryi
Figure 490.
  • Spaces between fovea on cuticle at sides of head and on dorsum of mesosoma and node often broad, so that these surfaces appear smooth and shiny (Figure 491) . . . . . Zasphinctus imbecilis
Figure 491.