Key to US Forelius species

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Key to workers of Forelius species known from the United States, after Ward (2005).


  • Standing hairs present on scapes, posterior margin of head, and external face of tibiae => Forelius mccooki
Head of Forelius mccooki worker
Profile of Forelius mccooki worker
  • Standing hairs absent or very sparse on scapes, posterior margin of head, and external face of tibiae => Forelius pruinosus
Head of Forelius pruinosus worker
Profile of Forelius pruinosus worker

Note There is a third distinct (and apparently undescribed) species of Forelius in the United States. It is small and dark with a conspicuously shiny mesepisternum, short scapes (SL 0.40-0.48), and sparse standing pilosity. This species ranges from southern Texas to Colombia, and has been found sympatrically with a larger Forelius species—apparently F. pruinosus—in Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica, without showing any sign of intergradation. [Ward, 2005]


  • Ward, P.S. 2005. A synoptic review of the ants of California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa 936: 1-68.