Key to Stenamma westwoodii species-group queens of Western Europe and North African
This key to queens is based on: Rigato, F. 2011. Contributions to the taxonomy of West European and North African Stenamma of the westwoodii species-group. (Hymenoptera Formicidae). Memorie della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. 37:1-56.
Queens are not known for Stenamma zanoni
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- Size larger (TL > 5.0, HL > 1.00) with longer appendages (SI and TI > 100); scape distinctly surpassing the posterior margin of the head when laid back. Scapes and tibiae with several standing hairs, besides the usual pubescence . . . . . Stenamma petiolatum
- Size smaller (usually TL ≤ 5.0 and HL ≤ 1.00) with shorter appendages (SI ≤ 100, TI < 100); scape at most just reaching the posterior margin of the head when laid back. Scapes and tibiae with appressed to decumbent pubescence only . . . . . 2
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- Size smaller (TL < 4.0, HL ≤ 0.80); head rugulation finer and more regularly longitudinal (Fig. 49) . . . . . Stenamma striatulum
- Size larger (TL ≥ 4.0, HL > 0.80); head surface mostly areolate (e.g. Figs. 44, 46) . . . . . 3
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- SI < 85. Colour usually darker, brown . . . . . Stenamma debile
- SI > 85, mostly ≥ 90. Colour usually paler, ferrugineous . . . . . 4
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- Postpetiole in profile higher and stouter, about as high as long (PPL≈PPH) . . . . . 5
- Postpetiole in profile lower and more slender, distinctly longer than high (PPL>PPH) . . . . . 7
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- PCI < 25 . . . . . Stenamma westwoodii
- PCI > 30 . . . . . 6
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- Colour ferrugineous; SI > 90; petiolar sternite shallowly concave in profile . . . . . Stenamma africanum
- Colour brown; SI < 90; petiolar sternite fully straight in profile . . . . . Stenamma msilanum
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- Scape reaching the posterior margin of the head when laid back (SI > 95) and with some standing hairs along its dorsal side (Fig. 48) . . . . . Stenamma siculum
- Scape not reaching the posterior margin of the head when laid back (SI < 95) and with no standing hairs along its dorsal side . . . . . Stenamma sardoum