Key to Stenamma westwoodii species-group males of Western Europe and North African

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This key to males is based on: Rigato, F. 2011. Contributions to the taxonomy of West European and North African Stenamma of the westwoodii species-group. (Hymenoptera Formicidae). Memorie della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. 37:1-56.

Males are not known for Stenamma petiolatum, Stenamma sardoum and Stenamma msilanum. Stenamma africanum, as described by Cagniant (1971), is excluded as it is not definitively assignable to that taxon.

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  • Mandibles more or less reduced and with a short masticatory margin, usually armed with 3, 4 or 5 teeth and denticles. When at rest mandibles leave a distinct gap between their inner border and the anterior clypeal margin (Figs. 61, 64) . . . . . 2
  • Mandibles normally developed, strongly triangular, with at least 6 teeth and denticles. When at rest mandibles completely fill the space between their inner border and the anterior clypeal margin (Figs, 62, 63, 65) . . . . . 3


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  • Propodeal dorsum strongly reticulate-punctate with superimposed irregular transverse rugulation (Fig. 69). Size usually smaller (HL < 0.60) and mandibles triangular, 4- or 5-toothed . . . . . Stenamma striatulum
  • Propodeal dorsum mostly smooth and shining (Fig. 66). Size usually larger (HL usually ≥ 0.60) and mandibles usually narrowly subrectangular to subtriangular and 3-toothed, but rarely even 2-, 4- or 5-toothed . . . . . Stenamma debile


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  • Propodeal dorsum reticulate-punctate with scattered rugulae (Fig. 68). Scape and petiole distinctly longer, SI > 50, PI2 > 75. Scape dorsally with some standing hairs, besides ordinary pubescence . . . . . Stenamma siculum
  • Propodeal dorsum mostly smooth and shining (Fig. 70). Scape and petiole distinctly shorter, SI < 45, PI2 < 75. Scape with pubescence only . . . . . Stenamma westwoodii