Key to Pseudolasius of India for major workers
This worker key is based on: Akbar, S.A., Bharti, H. & Wachkoo, A.A. 2017. Discovery of remarkable new ant species of the genus Pseudolasius Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) From Western Ghats of India. Sociobiology 64(2), 133-137 (doi:10.13102/sociobiology.v64i2.1188).
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- Eyes reduced, rudimentary represented by small dots without any distinct ommatidia . . . . . Pseudolasius zamrood
- Eyes distinct consisting of prominent ommatidia . . . . . 2
return to couplet #1
- Cephalic dorsum with an inverted “Y” shaped brown spot . . . . . Pseudolasius emeryi
- Cephalic dorsum without an inverted “Y” shaped brown spot . . . . . 3
return to couplet #2
- Antennal segments 3-9 longer than wide; frontal carinae parallel . . . . . 4
- Antennal segments 3-9 wider than long; frontal carinae divergent posteriorly . . . . . Pseudolasius polymorphicus
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- Scapes easily surpass the posterior margin of head . . . . . 5
- Scapes never surpass the posterior margin of head . . . . . Pseudolasius diversus
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- Posterior margin of head strongly emarginate in the middle; mandibles with basal two teeth . . . . . 6
- Posterior margin of head weekly emarginate in the middle; mandibles without basal two teeth combined . . . . . Pseudolasius binghami
return to couplet #5
- Mandibles armed with 8 teeth . . . . . Pseudolasius familiaris
- Mandibles armed with 6 teeth . . . . . Pseudolasius machhediensis