Key to Polyrhachis of the southwestern Australian Botanical Province
This worker key is based on: Heterick, B. E. 2009a. A guide to the ants of South-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 76: 1-206. Part 2.
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- Humeral angles of pronotum armed with sharp spines, directed anteriad at angle of 45° (Figure 384) (subgenus Chariomyrma) . . . . . Polyrhachis aurea sp. A (JDM 807)
- Humeral angles of pronotum armed with, at most, a pair of short, laterally directed denticles (e.g. Figure 385) . . . . . 2
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- Node armed with two long, downwardly curved lateral spines only (Figure 386a); dorsum of node flat; in dorsal view, propodeum armed with two long, sinuate, cylindrical spines extending slightly beyond sides of ant when viewed dorsally (Figure 386b) (subgenus Hagiomyrma) . . . . . Polyrhachis ammonoeides
- Node usually with four denticles or short spines (if middle pair obsolete or vestigial, then dorsum of node a thin scale) (e.g. Figure 387); propodeum either unarmed, or armed with short, upturned flanges, denticles or short, flattened spines (e.g. Figure 388) (subgenus Campomyrma) . . . . . 3
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- Dorsum of node with weak denticles or angles, or dorsal margin entire . . . . . 4
- Dorsum of node with pair of distinct spines or sharp denticles . . . . . 8
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- Gaster yellow, contrasting with black head and mesosoma; smaller (HW ≈ 1 mm) . . . . . Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) sp. JDM 670
- Head, mesosoma and gaster entirely or predominantly black or dark brown; larger species (HW ≥ 1.5 mm) . . . . . 5
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- Pronotum rounded, or with vestigial humeral angles; mesonotum rounded anteriad, strongly tapering towards junction with propodeum (Figure 389a); distance between frontal carinae broad, 1/3 HW >; head capsule without trace of angle between upper margin of eye and vertex (e.g. (Figure 389b) . . . . . Polyrhachis femorata
- Pronotum and mesonotum distinctly angulate anteriad, mesonotum tapering weakly towards junction with propodeum (e.g. Figure 390); distance between frontal carinae narrow, 1/3 HW<; head capsule with dull to sharp angle between upper margin of eye and vertex (Figure 391) . . . . . 6
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- Angle between posterior margin of eye and vertex of head capsule strongly carinate, the upper gena slightly excavate (Figure 392a); lateral margins of node armed with sharp teeth, directed posteriad (Figure 392b) . . . . . Polyrhachis schwiedlandi
- Angle between posterior margin of eye and vertex of head capsule usually not strongly carinate; or, if strongly carinate, then teeth on lateral margins of node vestigial and directed laterad . . . . . 7
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- Propodeal angles terminating in short, upturned denticles; viewed dorsally, mesosoma with finely striate sculpture only, that on pronotum usually in form of distinct whorl (Figure 393) . . . . . Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) sp. JDM 1010
- Rear of propodeum terminating in shelf, slightly lobate at angles; viewed dorsally, mesosoma with traces of superficial pits in addition to finely striate sculpture; sculpture of pronotum not in form of whorl (Figure 394) . . . . . Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) sp. JDM 805
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- Few to many erect and semi-erect setae on first gastral tergite (may be short) . . . . . 9
- First gastral tergite lacking erect and semi-erect setae . . . . . 12
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- Head and mesosoma covered with long, slightly curved, erect setae; downy pubescence present on gaster; appearance non-gracile with short appendages . . . . . Polyrhachis hirsuta
- Head and mesosoma with sparse, short, straight setae; downy pubescence absent from gaster; gracile appearance with long appendages . . . . . 10
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- Lateral pair of spines on petiolar node shorter than dorsal pair and directed laterad (Figure 395) . . . . . Polyrhachis gravis
- Lateral pair of spines on petiolar node longer than dorsal pair, and directed vertically (Figure 396) . . . . . 11
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- Propodeum only slightly longer than wide; flattened; sculpture of mesosoma often coarse (Figure 397) . . . . . Polyrhachis macropus
- Propodeum much longer than wide; gently excavate towards its centre; sculpture of mesosoma a uniform, very fine microreticulation (Figure 398) . . . . . Polyrhachis pyrrhus
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- Gaster covered in fine pubescence . . . . . 13
- Gaster lacking fine pubescence . . . . . 14
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- In dorsal view, pronotum, mesonotum and propodeum of uniform appearance; propodeal spines short to very short and weakly upturned . . . . . Polyrhachis phryne
- In dorsal view, mesonotum and propodeum irregularly sculptured, while pronotum is more-or-less longitudinally striate; propodeal spines long and strongly upturned . . . . . Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) sp. JDM 118
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- Smaller species (HW ≈ 1 mm); lateral processes of node weak denticles . . . . . Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) sp. JDM 802
- Larger species (HW ≥ 1.5 mm); lateral processes of node usually strong denticles or spines, if weak, ant large (HW ≥ 2 mm) . . . . . 15
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- In full-face view, angles of vertex in form of small boss or protuberance just above each eye (Figure 399a); lateral spines on node distinctly longer than pair of spines on dorsum of node (Figure 399b) . . . . . Polyrhachis leae
- In full-face view, angles of vertex not protuberant (Figure 400); lateral spines on node the same size or smaller than pair of spines on dorsum of node (Figure 401) . . . . . 16
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- In dorsal view, vertex of head capsule without fine, microscopic microreticulation, vertex shining in appearance . . . . . Polyrhachis ops
- In dorsal view, vertex of head capsule with distinct microreticulate sculpture, vertex more dull in appearance . . . . . 17
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- In dorsal view, mesonotum distinctly wider than long (Figure 402a); propodeal angles directed upwards as weak denticles; in profile, spines on dorsum of node directed upward (Figure 402b) . . . . . Polyrhachis sidnica complex sp. JDM 390
- In dorsal view, mesonotum about as wide as long; propodeal angles directed upward as flattened spines (Figure 403a); in profile, spines on dorsum of node tilted posteriad (Figure 403b) . . . . . Polyrhachis sidnica complex sp. JDM 671