Key to Podomyrma of the southwestern Australian Botanical Province
This worker key is based on: Heterick, B. E. 2009b. A guide to the ants of South-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 76: 1-206. Part 2.
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- First gastral tergite with paired white maculae . . . . . . Podomyrma adelaidae
- First gastral tergite of uniform colour . . . . . 2
return to couplet #1
- Propodeum unarmed . . . . . 3
- Propodeum armed with spines or teeth at its posterior angles . . . . . 6
return to couplet #2
- Mesosoma punctate, punctures well separated and deep; erect setae on body surfaces very sparse, lacking on gaster . . . . . . Podomyrma clarki
- Mesosoma longitudinally striate or striatereticulate; erect setae abundant and well distributed on body surfaces, including gaster . . . . . 4
return to couplet #3
- Frons of head capsule with a few longitudinal striae, with large unsculptured space between them (Figure 673) . . . . . . Podomyrma macrophthalma(pt.)
- Frons of head capsule with many close, parallel, longitudinal striae (e.g. Figure 674) . . . . . 5
return to couplet #4
- Humeri of promesonotum smoothly rounded (Figure 675); promesonotum longitudinally striate . . . . . . Podomyrma elongata
- Humeri of promesonotum each armed with a small denticle (Figure 676); promesonotum striate-reticulate . . . . . . Podomyrma chasei
return to couplet #2
- Node with a dorsal transverse ridge only, spines or denticles lacking (Figure 677) . . . . . 7
- Node armed with paired spines directed dorsally or laterally (Figure 678) . . . . . 8
return to couplet #6
- Top of vertex and dorsum of promesonotal sector areolate (Figure 679) . . . . . . Podomyrma christae(pt.)
- Top of vertex and dorsum of promesonotal sector mainly smooth and shining with a few longitudinal striae (Figure 680) . . . . . . Podomyrma macrophthalma(pt.)
return to couplet #6
- First gastral tergite with many erect setae; promesonotum deeply foveate-striate; viewed from behind, paired denticles on node directed obliquely upward at angle of 45°> . . . . . 9
- First gastral tergite with at most a pair of erect setae; promesonotal sculpture not as above; viewed from behind, paired denticles on node directed laterally at angle of <30° . . . . . 10
return to couplet #8
- Each side of dorsum of promesonotum (just posteriad of mesonotal suture) armed with a small, sharp tooth directed vertically (Figure 681) . . . . . . Podomyrma libra
- Dorsum of promesonotum unarmed (Figure 682) . . . . . . Podomyrma christae(pt.)
return to couplet #8
- Head longitudinally striate (Figure 683); dorsum of promesonotum matt, dull . . . . . . Podomyrma ferruginea
- Head with transverse striae interconnecting with longitudinal striae, forming a semireticulate pattern (Figure 684); dorsum of promesonotum almost smooth, shining Podomyrma sp. JDM 997