Key to Nylanderia of India
This key to Indian Nylanderia species is based on Wachkoo & Bharti (2015).
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- Dorsal face of propodeum distinctly rounded, about the same length as declivitous face; in lateral view, propodeum on the same plane to remainder of dorsum, dorsally dome-like => 2
- Dorsal face of propodeum shorter than declivitous face; in lateral view, propodeum lower than remainder of dorsum, dorsally angular or gently rounded => 5
- Entire body unicolorous dark brown to black => 3
- Body color variable with various shades of brown => 4
- Head and mesosomal dorsum covered with a dense network of microreticulate sculpture => Nylanderia birmana
- Head and mesosomal dorsum not microreticulate, either smooth or covered with fine punctulae => Nylanderia bourbonica
- Gastral dorsum without a layer of pubescence underneath erect macrosetae => Nylanderia smythiesii
- Gastral dorsum with a layer of pubescence underneath erect macrosetae => Nylanderia yerburyi
- Dark brown color overall, covered by a dense layer of pubescence concealing cuticular sculpture => Nylanderia himalayana
- Lighter yellow brown color overall, covered by a relatively thin layer of pubescence not concealing cuticular sculpture => 6
- Head subquadrate; compound eye small, taking 1/4th the length of lateral cephalic margin => Nylanderia indica
- Head oval; compound eye large, taking 1/3rd the length of lateral cephalic margin => Nylanderia taylori