Key to Microdaceton
This worker key is based on: Bolton, B. 2000. The ant tribe Dacetini. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute. 65:1-1028.
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- Head, alitrunk and gaster blackish brown to black. Metapleuron posteroventrally, below propodeal lobe and above posterior margin of hind coxa, with a posteriorly directed patch of ivory or pale yellow cuticle that is much lighter in colour than the surrounding cuticle. Basigastral costulae vestigial to absent; first gastral tergite smooth or reticulate-punctate basally . . . . . 2
- Head, alitrunk and gaster yellow. Metapleuron posteroventrally, below propodeal lobe and above posterior margin of hind coxa, the same colour as the surrounding cuticle. Basigastral costulae usually distinct, only rarely reduced to striolae. (Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa) . . . . . Microdaceton exornatum
return to couplet #1
- Mesonotum with a pair of acute conical teeth or tubercles. Petiole node in profile large when compared to postpetiole but not grossly inflated. (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroun, Gabon, Zaire) . . . . . Microdaceton tibialis
- Mesonotum with a pair of truncated blunt tubercles or erect lamina-like prominences that are abruptly truncated apically. Petiole node in profile grossly inflated, enormous when compared to postpetiole . . . . . 3
return to couplet #2
- Mesonotum with a pair of erect lamina-like prominences that are abruptly truncated apically. First gastral sternite smooth on basal half. Propodeal spines very long and slender, straight and needle-like. Dorsum of postpetiole densely longitudinally costulate. Smaller species with relatively longer mandibles and scapes, HW 0.78-0.86, MI 65-68, SI 77-83. (Cameroun, Gabon) . . . . . Microdaceton tanyspinosum
- Mesonotum with a pair of truncated blunt tubercles. First gastral sternite densely reticulate on basal half. Propodeal spines short and stout, not needle-like. Dorsum of postpetiole smooth or at most with vestiges of sculpture. Larger species with relatively shorter mandibles and scapes, HW 0.99-1.06, MI 56-60, SI 66-70. (Uganda) . . . . . Microdaceton viriosum