Key to Euprenolepis Species
Key to Euprenolepis species (LaPolla 2009)
Scapes very long, surpassing posterior margin by about length of the entire funiculus (SI greater than 200); eyes highly reduced (EL no more than 0.05 mm); pronotum and mesonotum greatly elongated, with pronotal width about the same as mesonotal width . . . . . Euprenolepis negrosensis
Scapes long, but surpassing posterior margin by much less than length of the entire funiculus (SI less than 200); eyes not reduced (EL greater than 0.1 mm); pronotum and mesonotum, if elongated, with pronotal width greater than mesonotal width . . . . . 2
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- Head, mesosoma, and gaster dark-brown; head and mesosomal dorsum covered with a dense network of reticulate rugulae . . . . . Euprenolepis procera
- Head, mesosoma, and gaster brown to yellow; head and mesosomal dorsum not covered with dense network of reticulate rugulae . . . . . 3
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- Gastral dorsum with a layer of pubescence underneath erect setae . . . . . 4
- Gastral dorsum without a layer of pubescence underneath erect setae . . . . . 5
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- Gastral dorsum with a dense layer of pubsecence found on segments 1–3; from dorsum pubescence extends lateroventrally . . . . . Euprenolepis thrix
- Gastral dorsum with a scattered layer of pubescence found predominantly on segment 1; pubescence does not extend lateroventrally . . . . . Euprenolepis zeta
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- Scapes without pubescence; 2nd gastral tergite with two distinct rows of four erect setae (8 long erect setae present on 2nd gastral tergite); eyes more rounded in shape and notably convex in full frontal view; overall dull yellow in color . . . . . Euprenolepis echinata
- Scapes with pubescence; 2nd gastral tergite with more than 8 long erect setae and these not arranged in distinct rows; eyes more oval in shape and more flattened in appearance in full frontal view; overall shiny brown to yellow in color . . . . . 6
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- In profile, pronotal margin linear as it rises towards mesonotum; gaster yellow . . . . . Euprenolepis maschwitzi
- In profile, pronotal margin rounded as it rises towards mesonotum; gaster brown to yellowish-brown . . . . . 7
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- Gastral setae longer; majority of gastral setae greater than 0.1 mm in length, with longest setae greater than 0.13 mm in length; overall brownish-yellow, with mesosoma lighter than head and gaster . . . . . Euprenolepis variegata
- Gastral setae shorter; majority of gastral setae less than 0.05 mm in length, with longest setae not exceeding 0.1 mm in length; overall brownish, with pronotum same color as head and gaster, with the propodeum lighter in color . . . . . Euprenolepis wittei
- LaPolla, J.S. 2009. Taxonomic revision of the Southeast Asian ant genus Euprenolepis. Zootaxa 2046: 1-25.