Key to Cryptopone of India
This worker key is based on: Bharti, H.; Wachkoo, A. A. 2013b. Cryptopone subterranea sp. nov., a rare new cryptobiotic ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Asian Myrmecology 5:1-4. PDF
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- Cryptopone
- Ants of India (species list)
- India Regional Project page
- Mandibles 9-toothed; large, HW 1.02-1.04 mm . . . . . Cryptopone subterranea
- Mandibles 6-toothed; small, HW < 0.6 mm . . . . . 2
- Worker HW 0.59 mm or usually much less. 2. Queen HW 0.64 mm; medium yellowish brown with elongate head . . . . . Cryptopone testacea
- Worker unknown. Queen HW < 0.64 mm; brown with square head . . . . . Cryptopone nicobarensis