Key to Cardiocondyla of Hispaniola
Additional information about the ants of the island can be found here: Ants of Hispaniola
Key to Workers
- In profile view, postpetiole with a conspicuous ventral bulge. Spines moderately long. FRS/PPH < 0.722. Small size, CS 386 - 457. Head elongated: CL/CW 1.19- 1.27. Postocular index large (PoOc/CL 0.455 - 0.490) . . . . . Cardiocondyla emeryi
- In profile view, postpetiole without a conspicuous ventral bulge. Spines not as well set off from propodeum; may be distinctive spine that is not as long (minutior, in which case the metanotal groove absent or very shallow) or the spine is more of an angular protuberance that sets of the dorsal from the declivious face of the propodeum. FRS/PPH > 0.722 . . . . . 2
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- In profile view the angle of the declivious face of the propodeum similarly shallowly angled before and after the base of the spines . . . . . Cardiocondyla minutior
- In profile view the angle of the declivious face of the propodeum with a shallow downward angle above the base of the spines and sharply sloped downward below the spines . . . . . 3
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- Propodeal spines in lateral view appearing as blunt angles of 95 - 120. Sides of postpetiole in dorsal view always rounded convex. Promesonotal and anterior propodeal profiles forming shallowly convex curvatures which together form a wide metanotal depression (Figs. 39 - 43). Whole body dark brown . . . . . Cardiocondyla venustula
- Propodeal spines short, but appearing in lateral view as smaller angles of 60 - 95. Sides of postpetiole in many species in dorsal aspect angulate-convex, outlines of postpetiole thus suggestedly hexagonal. Promesonotal and anterior propodeal profiles not forming evenly convex curvatures; as result, metanotal depression not as wide or absent (Figs. 30 - 37). Postpetiole lower than petiole . . . . . Cardiocondyla mauritanica (this species has not been found on Hispaniola but may be present)