Key to Australian Amblyoponinae Genera

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  • Mandibles long, slender and with the teeth (usually 3, sometimes with a few very small denticles as well) grouped together near the tip on a face separate from the rest of the mandible (Fig. a) => Prionopelta
Prionopelta punctulata casent0179474 head 1.jpg Prionopelta punctulata casent0179474 profile 1.jpg
  • Mandibles long, slender and with 5 or more teeth that are found along the entire inner surface (Fig. aa) => 2
Amblyoponinae Prionopelta mandible.jpg        Amblyoponinae Amblyopone mandible.jpg


return to couplet #1

  • Frontal lobes large and extending well forward of the antennal sockets so that when viewed from the front they cover the underlying clypeus and often form the front margin of the head (Fig. a). Antennae with the last few segments distinctly flattened in cross-section (Fig. b) => Myopopone
Myopopone castanea-HUMCZ002H.jpg Myopopone castanea-HUMCZ002L.jpg
  • Frontal lobes extending only slightly forward of the antennal sockets and not covering the clypeus when viewed from the front (Fig. aa). Antennae with the last few segments approximately round in cross-section (Fig. bb) => 3
Amblyoponinae Myopopone head.jpg        Amblyoponinae Amblyopone head-2.jpg


return to couplet #2

  • Tips of the mandibles rounded and with very short, blunt teeth (Fig. a). Hairs (setae) on head and body broad and rounded (spatulate) (Fig. b) => Mystrium
Mystrium mysticum casent0006030 head 1.jpg Mystrium mysticum casent0006030 profile 1.jpg
  • Tips of the mandibles with a single distinct, sharp tooth (fig aa). Hairs (setae) on head and body long, thin and tapering to points (Fig. bb) => 4
Amblyoponinae Mystrium head.jpg        Amblyoponinae Amblyopone head-3.jpg


return to couplet #3

  • Tibiae of the hind legs with large comb-like (pectinate) spurs (Fig. a). Tooth at the tip of the mandibles no more than twice as long as the next longest tooth (Fig. b) => 5
  • Tibiae of the hind legs usually without spurs, but if present they are small, straight and smooth (not pectinate) (Fig. aa). Tooth at the tip of the mandibles at least 4 times longer than the next longest tooth (Fig. bb) => Onychomyrmex
Onychomyrmex hedleyi casent0102176 head 1.jpg Onychomyrmex hedleyi casent0102176 profile 1.jpg
Amblyoponinae Amblyopone spur.jpg Amblyoponinae Amblyopone head-1.jpg        Amblyoponinae Onychomyrma spur.jpg Amblyoponinae Onychomyrma head.jpg


return to couplet #4

  • Anterior clypeal margin uniformly convex, the clypeal teeth arising directly from this surface (Fig. a) => Amblyopone
Amblyopone australis casent0102519 head 1.jpg Amblyopone australis casent0102519 profile 1.jpg
  • Anterior clypeal margin with a series of low protuberances, each bearing a clypeal tooth (Fig. aa) => Fulakora
Amblyopone celata casent0172191 head 1.jpg Amblyopone celata casent0172191 profile 1.jpg
Amblyopone australis clypeus.jpg        Fulakora lucida clypeus.jpg