Key to Afrotropical Cardiocondyla workers
Based on:
Rigato F. 2002. Three new Afrotropical Cariodcondyla Emery, with a revised key to the workers (Hymenoptera Formicidae). Boll. Soc. entomol. ital. 134(2):167-173
This key offers ID for the Afrotropical Cardiocondyla except for Cardiocondyla zoserka, known from the queen caste only, Cardiocondyla obscurior cited from Comoros, and Cardiocondyla venustula
- Propodeum in profile completely unarmed. Alitrunk without any trace of a metanotal groove. Petiole with an elongate peduncle and a low node. Size large (TL 2.7). (Angola) . . . . . Cardiocondyla monardi
- Propodeum in profile at least clearly angulate. Metanotal groove usually well developed. Petiole not so elongate. Size usually distinctly smaller . . . . . 2
- With the head in full face view the scapes, when laid back, distinctly exceeding the occipital comers. (Sudan) . . . . . Cardiocondyla nilotica (= Cardiocondyla fajumensis)
- With the head in full face view the scapes, when laid back, not exceeding the occipital comers, at most just reaching them . . . . . 3
- Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk smooth and unsculptured everywhere, except for widely separated minute punctula on the head. Scape short (SI 74). (Ghana) . . . . . Cardiocondyla sekhemka
- Dorsal surfaces of head and alitrunk distinctly and finely sculptured. Scape longer (SI > 80) . . . . . 4
- Dorsum of the gaster distinctly finely shagreened, not smoother than head and alitrunk . . . . . 5
- Dorsum of the gaster not shagreened, smoother than head and alitrunk . . . . . 6
- Petiolar node elongate, 1.5 longer than wide in dorsal view and low, not domed, in profile. Colour mostly pale ferrugineous. Scape relatively long (SI 97-100). (Tanzania) . . . . . Cardiocondyla longinoda
- Petiolar node not so elongate, less than 1.5 longer than wide in dorsal view and domed in profile. Colour brown with a reddish tinge. Scape relatively short (SI 90). (Tanzania) . . . . . Cardiocondyla luciae
- Propodeum in profile bluntly angulate to bidenticulate, never with a pair of strong teeth or spines. Scapes relatively long (SI 93-100). (Widespread in the Afrotropical region) . . . . . Cardiocondyla shuckardi
- Propodeum in profile at least distinctly bidentate. Scapes relatively short (SI 81-94) . . . . . 7
- With the alitrunk in profile the dorsum approximately flat before and behind the metanotal groove. Propodeal spines long and slender. (Cameroun) . . . . . Cardiocondyla weserka
- With the alitrunk in profile the dorsum not flat before and behind the metanotal groove, at least slightly convex. Propodeum armed with spines or teeth of various length . . . . . 8
- Pronotal comers bluntly but conspicuously angular in dorsal view. (Ghana, Cameroun) . . . . . Cardiocondyla neferka
- Pronotal comers rounded in dorsal view . . . . . 9
- With alitrunk in profile the mesonotal dorsum abruptly changing slope posteriorly and descending steeply to the metanotal groove. Propodeal spines distinctly elongate. Head relatively wide, CI 79-86. (Pantropical tramp species) . . . . . Cardiocondyla wroughtonii
- With alitrunk in profile the mesonotal dorsum evenly curving into the metanotal groove. Propodeum with short spines or toothed. Head relatively narrow, CI 72-78 . . . . . 10
- Metanotal groove distinctly impressed in profile. Petiolar node usually longer than wide in dorsal view, somewhat laterally compressed. Size larger, TL 1.7-2.1, HL> 0.44, AL > 0.47. (Cosmopolitan tramp species) . . . . . Cardiocondyla emeryi
- Metanotal groove shallowly impressed in profile. Petiolar node globular in dorsal view, as long as wide, never compressed. Size smaller, TL 1.6-1.7, HL 0.42-0.43, AL 0.43-0.46. (Nigeria) . . . . . Cardiocondyla yoruba