Help:Genus page headings

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Meranoplus mayri
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Meranoplini
Genus: Meranoplus
Smith, F., 1853
Type species
Cryptocerus bicolor, now Meranoplus bicolor
Species List
Meranoplus mayri lateral view
Meranoplus mayri dorsal view

A paragraph that introduces the genus. Field identification, biology, or any other interesting facts about the ants in this genus could be added here. If no biological information is know about a species it is best to state this here, e.g., Nothing is known about this genus except for the collection information for the type specimens.


Morphological features that distinguish workers of this genus from other genera.

Field Identification

Any distinctive means of distinguishing members of the genus in the field.

Identification Keys

These can be a list of keys, with references, that are available in the literature or could be links to keys included in Antwiki or elsewhere.

To include the complete availables keys in antwiki that lead to these genus or to subgenus, species groups or species in this genus use {{Genus identification keys}}


A World Map is preloaded here. In edit mode this shows up as the text Template:World Distribution. In edit mode this template name is shown as nested in double brackets. Please do not remove this text from the page.

Distribution based on specimens

A Google world map and specimen records, as pins on the map, is preloaded here. In edit mode this shows up as the text Template:Google Map. In edit mode this template name is shown as nested in double brackets. Please do not remove this text from the page.

Regional Lists

Links to pages of a list of species in this genus for a particular region.


A synopsis of the biology of the genus. Any relevant biological information can be included here. In cases where little is known about a genus, this section may remain blank.

Specimen Label Information

This heading is already in place. This section lists label information from databased specimens (this data is not managed or stored in Antwiki) and is placed here via the Template:Ecology. In edit mode this template name is shown as nested in double brackets. Please do not remove this text from the page. The information here is seperated into two parts: Environments - habitat information ..and.. Situations - nesting or other specific information detailing where the ants were collected. Please do not remove this text from the page.


Regional Information

Specific information, when appropriate, for an area less than the complete range of the genus. The heading name Regional Information should be replaced with the name of the particular region being discussed under this heading. There can be any number of appropriate headings for regions where this genus occurs.


Provides a place for text about castes (workers polymorphism, queen and male size relative to workers, etc.) and a place to add other automontage images beyond the representative worker photos that are placed in the taxabox.






The Template:Nomenclature, nested in-between double brackets, is used here to show the appropriate taxonomic information from the most current version of Bolton's Catalogue.


This section is for the original description or an updated, modern re-description.


This can be references that are referred to in the text and/or any relevant publications that you deem relevant to this genus.