Gronenberg, Wulfila

- Gronenberg, W. 1995. The fast mandible strike in the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus: temporal properties and morphological characteristics. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 176: 391-398.
- Gronenberg, W. 1996. The trap-jaw mechanism in the dacetine ants Daceton armigerum and Strumigenys sp. Journal of Experimental Biology 199: 2021-2033.
- Gronenberg, W., Brandão, R.F.C., Dietz, D.H. & Just, S. 1998. Trap-jaws revisited: the mandible mechanism of the ant Acanthognathus. Physiological Entomology 23: 227-240.
- Gronenberg, W.; Ehmer, B. 1995. Tubular muscle fibers in ants and other insects. Zoology. Analysis of Complex Systems 99:68-80.
- Gronenberg, W. & Ehmer, B. 1996. The mandible mechanism of the ant genus Anochetus and the possible evolution of trap-jaws. Zoology 99: 183-192.
- Gronenberg, W.; Heeren, S.; Hölldobler, B. 1996. Age-dependent and task-related morphological changes in the brain and the mushroom bodies of the ant Camponotus floridanus. Journal of Experimental Biology 199:2011-2019.
- Gronenberg, W.; Hölldobler, B. 1999. Morphologic representation of visual and antennal information in the ant brain. Journal of Comparative Neurology 412:229-240.
- Gronenberg, W., Hölldobler, B. & Alpert, G.D. 1998. Jaws that snap: control of mandible movements in the ant Mystrium. Journal of Insect Physiology 44: 241-253.
- Gronenberg, W.; Paul, J.; Just, S.; Hölldobler, B. 1997. Mandible muscle fibers in ants: fast or powerful? Cell and Tissue Research 289:347-361.
- Gronenberg, W.; Peeters, C. 1993. Central projections of the sensory hairs on the gemma of the ant Diacamma: substrate for behavioural modulation? Cell and Tissue Research 273:401-415.
- Gronenberg, W.; Tautz, J.; Hölldobler, B. 1993. Fast trap jaws and giant neurons in the ant Odontomachus. Science (Washington, D. C.) 262:561-563.
- Smith, C. R.; Smith, C. D.; Robertson, H. M.; Helmkampf, M.; Zimin, A.; Yandell, M.; Holt, C.; Hu, H.; Abouheif, E.; Benton, R.; Cash, E.; Croset, V.; Currie, C. R.; Elhaik, E.; Elsik, C. G.; Favé, M.-J.; Fernandes, V.; Gibson, J. D.; Graur, D.; Gronenberg, W.; Grubbsj, K. J.; Hagen, D. E.; Viniegra, A. S. I.; Johnson, B. R.; Johnson, R. M.; Khila, A.; Kim, J. W.; Mathis, K. A.; Munoz-Torres, M. C.; Murphy, M. C.; Mustard, J. A.; Nakamura, R.; Niehuis, O.; Nigam, S.; Overson, R. P.; Placek, J. E.; Rajakumar, R.; Reese, J. T.; Suen, G.; Tao, S.; Torres, C. W.; Tsutsui, N. D.; Viljakainen, L.; Wolschin, F.; Gadau, J. 2011. Draft genome of the red harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108:5667-5672.