Gravenhorst, Johann Ludwig Christian (1777-1857)

Johann Ludwig Christian Carl Gravenhorst (November 14, 1777 – January 14, 1857), sometimes Jean Louis Charles or Carl, was a German zoologist and entomologist.
Gravenhorst was born in Braunschweig. His early interest in insects was encouraged by two of his professors, both amateur entomologists. He entered the university of Helmstedt to study law in 1797, but the death of his father two years later left him a great fortune, so he was able to change his direction. He enrolled at the university of Göttingen where he followed the courses of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. He returned to present his thesis to Helmstädt on a subject of entomology. He went to Paris in 1802 and there met Georges Cuvier, Pierre André Latreille and Alexandre Brongniart. Parallel to his studies, he assembled, thanks to his financial means, a very important natural history collection. In 1805, he obtained a professorial chair in Göttingen and published the following year Monographie Coleopterorum.
Among his work, Gravenhorst's studies of the parasitic wasps is especially important but he also worked in herpetology. He settled in Frankfurt (Oder) in 1810 teaching natural history at the university of the city. The following year, the university was transferred to Breslau. There he became director of the Breslau Natural History Museum and installed his own collections there. He started to suffer from mental disorders after 1825 stopping all scientific work in the year 1840 and withdrawing completely into himself in 1856. He died in Breslau.
- Gravenhorst, J. L. C. 1807. Vergleichende Uebersicht des Linnéischen und einiger neueren zoologischen Systeme. Göttingen: Dieterich, 20 + 476 pp.
- Adler, K. Contrib. Herpetol. 5:28 (1989) Portrait.