Gobin, Bruno

Scientific career : 1993: B.A. in biology, University of Leuven 1997: PhD in biology "Regulation of reproduction and dominance interactions in the ponerine ant Gnamptogenys menadensis", University of Leuven 1998-1999: JSPS postdoctoral fellow, University of Takamatsu, Japan 1999-2000: TMR postdoctoral fellow, Universities of Würzburg and Erlangen, Germany 1999-2003: Postdoctoral researcher FWO, University of Leuven
- Billen, J.; Gobin, B. 1996. Trail following in army ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 46:272-280.
- Billen, J.; Gobin, B.; Ito, F. 1999. Fine structure of the postpygidial gland in Aenictus army ants. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 80:307-310.
- Gobin, B.; Billen, J. 1994. Spécificité de la phéromone de piste chez Crematogaster scutellaris et Crematogaster laestrygon. Actes des Colloques Insectes Sociaux 9:35-39.
- Gobin, B. & Ito, F. 2000. Queens and major workers of Acanthomyrmex ferox redistribute nutrients with trophic eggs. Naturwissenschaften 87: 323-326.
- Gobin, B.; Ito, F.; Billen, J. 2003. The subepithelial gland in ants: a novel exocrine gland closely associated with the cuticle surface. Acta Zoologica (Copenhagen) 84:285-291.
- Gobin, B.; Ito, F.; Billen, J.; Peeters, C. 2008. Degeneration of sperm reservoir and the loss of mating ability in worker ants. Naturwissenschaften 95:1041-1048.
- Gobin, B.; Ito, F.; Peeters, C.; Billen, J. 2006. Queen-worker differences in spermatheca reservoir of phylogenetically basal ants. Cell and Tissue Research 326:169-178.
- Gobin, B.; Rüppell, O.; Hartmann, A.; Jungnickel, H.; Morgan, E. D.; Billen, J. 2001. A new type of exocrine gland and its function in mass recruitment in the ant Cylindromyrmex whymperi (Formicidae, Cerapachyinae). Naturwissenschaften 88:395-399.
- Morgan, E. D.; Jungnickel, H.; Billen, J.; Ito, F.; Bergmann, J.; Gobin, B. 2008. Contents of the exocrine glands of the ant subfamily Cerapachyinae. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 36:260-265.
- Morgan, E. D.; Jungnickel, H.; Keegans, S. J.; Do Nascimento, R. R.; Billen, J.; Gobin, B.; Ito, F. 2003. Comparative survey of abdominal gland secretions of the ant subfamily Ponerinae. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29:95-114.
- Oldham, N. J.; Morgan, E. D.; Gobin, B.; Billen, J. P. J. 1994. First identification of a trail pheromone of an army ant (Aenictus species). Experientia (Basel) 50:763-765.
- Oldham, N. J.; Morgan, E. D.; Gobin, B.; Schoeters, E.; Billen, J. P. J. 1994. Volatile secretions of Old World army ant Aenictus rotundatus and chemotaxonomic implications of army ant Dufour gland chemistry. Journal of Chemical Ecology 20:3297-3305.
- Peeters, C.; Ito, F.; Gobin, B.; Fannes, W.; Billen, J. 1998. Queen-worker divergence in the spermathecae of ponerine and myrmeciine ants. [Abstract.]. P. 369 in: Schwarz, M. P.; Hogendoorn, K. (eds.) 1998. Social insects at the turn of the millennium. Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of IUSSI. Adelaide, Australia. 29 December 1998 - 3 January 1999. Adelaide: XIII Congress of IUSSI, 535 pp. [1998-12-29]