Gallé, László

- Gallé, L. 1966. Ecological and zoocoenological investigation of the Formicoidea fauna of the flood area of the Tisza River. Tiscia (Szeged) 2:113-118.
- Gallé, L. 1972. Formicidae populations of the ecosystems in the environs of Tiszafüred. Tiscia (Szeged) 7:59-68. [1972]
- Gallé, L. (1978): Respiration as one of the manifestations of the group effect in ants. Acta Biol. Szeged, 24, 111–114.
- Gallé, L. 1979. Adatok a Bakony hegység hangya-(Hymenoptera: Formicoidea) faunájának ismeretéhez. A Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei. Természettudomány 14:239-244. [1979]
- Gallé, L. (1980): Dispersion of high density ant populations in sandy soil grassland ecosystems.Acta Biol. Szeged, 26, 129–135.
- Gallé, L. 1981. The formicoid fauna of the Hortobágy. Pp. 307-311 in: Mahunka, S. (ed.) 1981. The fauna of the Hortobágy National Park. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 415 pp. [1981]
- Gallé, L. 1986. Habitat and niche analysis of grassland ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologia Generalis 11:197-211. [1986-05-30]
- Gallé, L. 1990. Assembly of sand-dune forest ant communities. Memorabilia Zoologica 44:1-6. [1990]
- Gallé, L. 1991. Structure and succession of ant assemblages in a north European sand dune area. Holarctic Ecology 14:31-37.
- Gallé, L.; Csősz, S.; Tartally, A.; Kovács, E. 1998. A check-list of Hungarian ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 59:213-220.
- Gallé, L., Körmöczi, L., Hornung, E., Kerekes, J. (1998): Structure of ant assemblages in a Middle-European successional sand-dune area. Tiscia, 31, 19–28.
- Gallé, L., Kovács, É., Hevér, A. (1994): Pattern transformation of ant colonies in a succesional sandy grassland. Memorabilia Zool., 48, 81–90.
- Gallé, L.; Kovács, E.; Margóczi, K. 1995. Ants on trees: an example of metacommunities in extremely small patches. [Abstract.]. P. 85 in: Demeter, A.; Peregovits, L. (eds.) 1995. Ecological processes: current status and perspectives. Abstracts. 7th European Ecological Congress. Budapest: Hungarian Biological Society, 294 pp.
- Járdán, C.; Gallé, L.; Margóczi, K. 1993. Ant assemblage composition in a successional Hungarian sand dune area. Tiscia (Szeged) 27:9-15. [1993]
- Markó B., Kiss, K. & Gallé, L. (2004): Mosaic structure of ant communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in eastern carpathian marshes: regional versus local scale. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung., 50, 77–95.