Gadau, Jürgen

Dr. Gadau's research interests focuses on the causes and consequences of genetic variability in solitaire and social Hymenoptera. In particular, he wants to understand the evolutionary processes leading to speciation and adaptation and what are the essential genetic changes involved in these processes.
Dr. Gadau also has a long standing interest in the study of the evolution of social insect societies with a focus on ants. He is especially interested in the evolution of polyandry and polygyny.
- Anderson, K. E.; Gadau, J.; Mott, B. M.; Johnson, R. A.; Altamirano, A.; Strehl, C.; Fewell, J. H. 2006. Distribution and evolution of genetic caste determination in Pogonomyrmex seed-harvester ants. Ecology 87:2171-2184.
- Brady, S. G.; Gadau, J.; Ward, P. S. 2000. Systematics of the ant genus Camponotus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a preliminary analysis using data from the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I. Pp. 131-139 in: Austin, A. D.; Dowton, M. (eds.) 2000. Hymenoptera. Evolution, biodiversity and biological control. Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing, xi + 468 pp.
- Feldhaar, H.; Fiala, B.; Gadau, J.; Mohamed, M.; Maschwitz, U. 2003. Molecular phylogeny of Crematogaster subgenus Decacrema ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and the colonization of Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) trees. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 27:441-452.
- Gadau, J.; Heinze, J.; Dick, B.; Hölldobler, B. 1994. Multilocus DNA-fingerprinting in ants. P. 44 in: Lenoir, A.; Arnold, G.; Lepage, M. (eds.) 1994. Les insectes sociaux. 12ème congrès de l'Union Internationale pour l'Étude des Insectes Sociaux. Paris, Sorbonne, 21-27 août 1994. Paris: Université Paris Nord, xxiv + 583 pp.
- Gadau, J.; Heinze, J.; Hölldobler, B.; Schmid, M. 1996. Population and colony structure of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. Molecular Ecology 5:885-792.
- Heinze, J.; Gadau, J.; Hölldobler, B.; Nanda, I.; Schmid, M.; Scheller, K. 1994. Genetic variability in the ant Camponotus floridanus detected by multilocus DNA fingerprinting. Naturwissenschaften 81:34-36.
- Julian, G. E.; Fewell, J. H.; Gadau, J.; Johnson, R. A.; Larrabee, D. 2002. Genetic determination of the queen caste in an ant hybrid zone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99:8157-8160.
- Sauer, C.; Stackebrandt, E.; Gadau, J.; Hölldobler, B.; Gross, R. 2000. Systematic relationships and cospeciation of bacterial endosymbionts and their carpenter ant host species: proposal of the new taxon Candidatus Blochmannia gen. nov. International Journal of Systematic & Evolutionary Microbiology 50:1877-1886.
- Smith, C. D.; Smith, C. R.; Mueller, E.; Gadau, J. 2010. Ant genomics: strength and diversity in numbers. Molecular Ecology 19:31-35.
- Smith, C. R.; Smith, C. D.; Robertson, H. M.; Helmkampf, M.; Zimin, A.; Yandell, M.; Holt, C.; Hu, H.; Abouheif, E.; Benton, R.; Cash, E.; Croset, V.; Currie, C. R.; Elhaik, E.; Elsik, C. G.; Favé, M.-J.; Fernandes, V.; Gibson, J. D.; Graur, D.; Gronenberg, W.; Grubbsj, K. J.; Hagen, D. E.; Viniegra, A. S. I.; Johnson, B. R.; Johnson, R. M.; Khila, A.; Kim, J. W.; Mathis, K. A.; Munoz-Torres, M. C.; Murphy, M. C.; Mustard, J. A.; Nakamura, R.; Niehuis, O.; Nigam, S.; Overson, R. P.; Placek, J. E.; Rajakumar, R.; Reese, J. T.; Suen, G.; Tao, S.; Torres, C. W.; Tsutsui, N. D.; Viljakainen, L.; Wolschin, F.; Gadau, J. 2011. Draft genome of the red harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108:5667-5672.
- Stoll, S.; Gadau, J.; Gross, R.; Feldhaar, H. 2007. Bacterial microbiota associated with ants of the genus Tetraponera. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90:399-412.
- Suen, G.; Teiling, C.; Li, L.; Holt, C.; Abouheif, E.; Bornberg-Bauer, E.; Bouffard, P.; Caldera, E. J.; Cash, E.; Cavanaugh, A.; Denas, O.; Elhaik, E.; Favé, M.-J.; Gadau, J.; Gibson, J. D.; Graur, D.; Grubbs, K. J.; Hagen, D. E.; Harkins, T. T.; Helmkampf, M.; Hu, H.; Johnson, B. R.; Kim, J.; Marsh, S. E.; Moeller, J. A.; Muñoz-Torres, M. C.; Murphy, M. C.; Naughton, M. C.; Nigam, S.; Overson, R.; Rajakumar, R.; Reese, J. T.; Scott, J. J.; Smith, C. R.; Tao, S.; Tsutsui, N. D.; Viljakainen, L.; Wissler, L.; Yandell, M. D.; Zimmer, F.; Taylor, J.; Slater, S. C.; Clifton, S. W.; Warren, W. C.; Elsik, C. G.; Smith, C. D.; Weinstock, G. M.; Gerardo, N. M.; Currie, C. R. 2011. The genome sequence of the leaf-cutter ant Atta cephalotes reveals insights into its obligate symbiotic lifestyle. PLoS Genetics (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002007) 7(2):e1002007 .