Ecphorella wellmani

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Ecphorella wellmani
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Dolichoderinae
Genus: Ecphorella
Species: E. wellmani
Binomial name
Ecphorella wellmani
(Forel, 1909)

Ecphorella wellmani casent0102456 profile 1.jpg

Ecphorella wellmani casent0102456 dorsal 1.jpg

Specimen Label

Nothing is known about the biology of Ecphorella wellmani. This is the only species in the genus and is known only from workers.


Shattuck (1992) - Worker: Vertex concave; anterolateral clypeal margin with the corners expanded slightly anterior of the mediolateral region; palp formula reduced; metanotal groove a narrow, distinct notch in the relatively flat dorsal mesosomal surface; propodeal spiracle dorsal and posterior, near the propodeal angle; petiolar scale strongly inclined anteriorly and with the anterior face much shorter than the posterior face.


Known only from the type locality, Benguela, Angola.

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Afrotropical Region: Angola (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.



Known only from the worker caste.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • wellmani. Tapinoma (Ecphorella) wellmani Forel, 1909b: 66 (w.) ANGOLA. Combination in Ecphorella: Shattuck, 1992c: 85.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.

Shattuck (1992) - Ecphorella was established as a subgenus of Tapinoma by Forel (1909) for a single worker specimen. Forel considered this subgeneric placement tentative pending the availability of additional material and the examination of the proventriculus. It is now some eighty years later and no further material has been collected.



Long 1,8 mill. Mandibules courtes, robustes, lisses, ponctuees, armees d'environ 7 dents. Epistome assez deprime, largement biechancre on bisinue, faiblement convexe au milieu de son bord anterieur, sans carene. Son tiers anterieur est triangulairement aplati. Toute la tete est deprimee, trapeziforme, elargie et echancree derriere, retrecie devant, a cotes mediocrement convexes. Yeux moyens, situes au milieu des cotes. Le scape atteint le septieme posterieur de la tete environ. Antennesde douze articles, epaisses; dernier article du funicule fort epais, a peine plus long qu'epais; tous les autres, sauf le premier, plus epaisque longs, les moyens deux fois plus epais que longs. Thorax court et epais. Sutures du thorax distinctes. Promesonotum mediocrement convexe, aussi large que long. Pronotum deux fois et demie plus large que long. Echancrure mesoepinotale distincte, mais peu profonde, avec deux stigmates saillants sur le profit. Face basale de l'epinotum peu convexe; subhorizontale, elargie derriere, un peu plus large que longue, formant de chaque cote, derriere, un angle arrondi ou tubercule tres obtus. Face declive subverticale, a peine plus courte que la face basale et passant a elle par une courbe. Ecaille basse, fortement inclinee en avant, epaisse, obtuse et arrondie au sommet qui est aussi epais que la base. Pattes coudes; cuisses et tibias epais.

Lisse, luisante, avec des points piligeres epars et fins et quelques vestiges de reticulations ca et la. Une tine pubescence jaunatre assez diluee sur le corps, un peu plus abondante sur les membres qui n'ont pas de poils dresses. Quelques petits poils dresses sur l'abdomen.

D'un brun fonce. Pattes, antennes, mandibules et ecaille d'un brun clair.

Shattuck (1992) - HEAD. Vertex concave. Compound eyes present, approximately round; relatively anterior on head. Ocelli absent. Antennae 12 segmented. Scape short, surpassing the vertex by less than one-third its length. Anterolateral clypeal margin with the corners expanded slightly anterior of the mediolateral region. Anteromedial clypeal margin entire, without a central notch or concavity of any type. Anterior clypeal setae about 10; very short, only slightly surpassing the anterior clypeal margin; straight. Posterior clypeal margin between the anterior and posterior surfaces of the antennal socket cavities. Anterior tentorial pit nearer the antennal socket than the mandibular insertion. Frontal carina present. Anterolateral hypostoma reduced to a thin sclerite. Medial hypostoma entire. Psammophore absent. MOUTHPARTS. Palp formula reduced, but exact count not possible with existing material. Third maxillary palp segment subequal in length to segment 4. Fifth maxillary palp segment at the apical extreme of segment 4. Mandible with about 7 teeth and no denticles (although basal regions of mandible obscured). Apical tooth slightly longer than the subapical tooth. Basal angle obscured in existing material. Basal margin obscured in existing material. MESOSOMA. Posteroventral pronotum lateral, rounded. Mesopleural process absent. Oeclivitous face of propodeum flat; dorsal face weakly convex, subequal in length tothe declivitous face. Propodeal angle distinct. Mesosomal spines and tooth absent. Erect pronotal hairs about 25; elongate, slightly longer than the maximum scape width. Dorsal pro-mesonotal junction with the pronotum and mesonotum even. Metanotal groove a narrow, distinct notch in the relatively flat dorsal mesosomal surface. Metanotal spiracle lateral and ventral of the dorsal surface when viewed in lateral profile. Propodeal spiracle dorsal and posterior, near the propodeal angle. Hind tibial spur with well developed barbules along entire inner surface (except extreme base). PETIOLE. Scale reduced; ridged and with a distinct angle dorsally; strongly inclined anteriorly and with the anterior face much shorter than the posterior face. Venter with a well developed lobe. GASTER. First tergite vertical and not concealing the petiole in dorsal view and with a groove or indentation for the reception of the basal portion of the petiole. Anterior tergosternal suture of the first segment apparently extending laterally from the helcium in a distinct arch which extends dorsal of the dorsal helcial surface (available material damaged). Fifth tergite ventral, gaster with 4 apparent tergites. Gastral compression absent (gaster circular in cross section). GENERAL CHARACTERS. Chromosome number unknown. Integument thin and flexible, weakly sculptured. PROVENTRICULUS. Not examined


  • Forel, A. 1909b. Fourmis du Musée de Bruxelles. Fourmis de Benguela récoltées par M. Creighton Wellman, et fourmis du Congo récoltées par MM. Luja, Kohl et Laurent. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Belg. 53: 51-73 (page 66, worker described)
  • Shattuck, S. O. 1992c. Generic revision of the ant subfamily Dolichoderinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 21: 1-181 (page 85, Combination in Ecphorella)

References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Emery C. 1913. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Dolichoderinae. Genera Insectorum 137: 1-50.
  • Forel A. 1909. Fourmis du Musée de Bruxelles. Fourmis de Benguela récoltées par M. Creighton Wellman, et fourmis du Congo récoltées par MM. Luja, Kohl et Laurent. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 53: 51-73.
  • Shattuck S. O. 1994. Taxonomic catalog of the ant subfamilies Aneuretinae and Dolichoderinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). University of California Publications in Entomology 112: i-xix, 1-241.