Atanassov, Neno

Atanassov has published on the ants of Bulgaria.
- Atanassov, N. 1934. Contribution to a study of the ant fauna (Formicidae) of Bulgaria. [In Bulgarian.]. Izvestiya na Bulgarskoto Entomologichno Druzhestvo 8:159-173. [1934-07-01]
- Atanassov, N. 1936. Second contribution to a study of the ant fauna (Formicidae) of Bulgaria. [In Bulgarian.]. Izvestiya na Bulgarskoto Entomologichno Druzhestvo 9:211-236. [1936-05-01]
- Atanassov, N. 1952. Regularities in the distribution and biological observations on ants in the Vitosha Mountains. [In Bulgarian.]. Sofia: Bulgarska Akademiya na Naukite, 214 pp. [1952]
- Atanassov, N. 1964. Studies on the systematics and ecology of ants (Formicidae, Hym.) from the Petrich region (south-west Bulgaria). [In Bulgarian.]. Izvestiya na Zoologicheskiya Institut s Muzej. Bulgarska Akademiya na Naukite 15:77-104. [1964-03-19>]
- Atanassov, N. 1965. Étude sur la biologie et la répartition de Monomorium pharaonis L. (Hym. Formicidae) en Bulgarie et dans la péninsule balkanique. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de Mulhouse 1965:86-95. [1965-12]
- Atanassov, N. 1974. Besonderheiten der Nahrungszusammensetzung von Formica rufa L. und Formica lugubris Zett. in Bulgarien. Waldhygiene 10:183-185. [1974]
- Atanassov, N.; Dlussky, G. M. 1992. Fauna of Bulgaria. Hymenoptera, Formicidae. Fauna Bûlg. 22: 1-310