Aphaenogaster sagei

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

Aphaenogaster sagei
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Attini
Genus: Aphaenogaster
Species: A. sagei
Binomial name
Aphaenogaster sagei
(Forel, 1902)

Aphaenogaster sagei casent0280946 p 1 high.jpg

Aphaenogaster sagei casent0280946 d 1 high.jpg

Specimen Labels



Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 32.812778° to 30.75°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Oriental Region: India (type locality), Pakistan.
Palaearctic Region: China.

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • sagei. Stenamma (Aphaenogaster) sagei Forel, 1902c: 221 (w.q.m.) INDIA (Himachal Pradesh).
    • Type-material: syntype workers, syntype queen(s), syntype male(s) (numbers not stated).
    • Type-locality: India: Tibetan frontier, Lahoul (Sage).
    • Type-depository: MHNG.
    • Combination in Aphaenogaster: Bingham, 1903: 275;
    • combination in Aphaenogaster (Deromyrma): Forel, 1913k: 53;
    • combination in Aphaenogaster (Attomyrma): Emery, 1921f: 59.
    • Status as species: Forel, 1903a: 695; Bingham, 1903: 275; Forel, 1904c: 25; Forel, 1906b: 87; Emery, 1908c: 336; Emery, 1915d: 71; Emery, 1921f: 59; Menozzi, 1939a: 296; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 132; Bolton, 1995b: 72; Mathew & Tiwari, 2000: 301; Guénard & Dunn, 2012: 40; Bharti, Guénard, et al. 2016: 33; Rasheed, et al. 2019: 431.
    • Distribution: China, India, Pakistan.



References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Bharti H. 2001. Check list of ants from north-west India I. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 21(2): 163-167.
  • Bharti H., Y. P. Sharma, M. Bharti, and M. Pfeiffer. 2013. Ant species richness, endemicity and functional groups, along an elevational gradient in the Himalayas. Asian Myrmecology 5: 79-101.
  • Gupta S. K. 1997. Hymenoptera. Zool. Surv. India, Fauna of Conservation areas 9: Fauna of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve p. 97-104.
  • Guénard B., and R. R. Dunn. 2012. A checklist of the ants of China. Zootaxa 3558: 1-77.
  • Hua Li-zhong. 2006. List of Chinese insects Vol. IV. Pages 262-273. Sun Yat-sen university Press, Guangzhou. 539 pages.
  • Li Z.h. 2006. List of Chinese Insects. Volume 4. Sun Yat-sen University Press
  • Mani M. S., and S. Singh. 1962. Entomological survey of Himalaya. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 59(1): 84-85.
  • Menozzi C. 1939. Formiche dell'Himalaya e del Karakorum raccolte dalla Spedizione italiana comandata da S. A. R. il Duca di Spoleto (1929). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. 78: 285-345.
  • Pajni H. R., and R. K. Suri. 1978. First report on the Formicid fauna (Hymenoptera) of Chandigarh. Res. Bull. (Science) Punjab University 29: 5-12.
  • Rasheed M. T., I. Bodlah, A. G. Fareen, A. A. Wachkoo, X. Huang, and S. A. Akbar. 2019. A checklist of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Pakistan. Sociobiology 66(3): 426-439.
  • Tak N., and N. S. Rathore. 2008. Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae. Fauna of Pin Valley National Park, Conservation Area Series,Zool. Surv. India 34: 53-60.