Agraulomyrmex damohensis

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Agraulomyrmex damohensis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Formicinae
Tribe: Plagiolepidini
Genus: Agraulomyrmex
Species: A. damohensis
Binomial name
Agraulomyrmex damohensis
Harshana & Dey, 2021

This species, known only from the holotype worker collected from a forest in Madhya Pradesh, India, is the only species within this genus known outside of Africa.

Photo Gallery

  • Agraulomyrmex damohensis (holotype worker). A, head in full-face view; B, body in dorsal view; C, body in profile view. (Harshana & Dey, 2021, Fig. 1)
  • Agraulomyrmex damohensis sp. nov. (holotype worker in 70% alcohol except E). A, body in dorsal view; B, body in profile view; C, head in full-face view; D, mesosoma in oblique view; E, compound eye (depicting six ommatidia along maximal diameter of eye); F, mandible teeth and six segmented maxillary palp. (Harshana & Dey, 2021, Fig. 2)


Antennal segments nine without a distinct club; palp formula 6,4; mandible bearing five teeth on masticatory margin with a very small 3rd tooth; head length (HL) 0.31 mm; body yellow.

Agraulomyrmex damohensis is the smallest species (HL 0.31 mm and WL 0.30 mm) of genus Agraulomyrmex and it distinctly differs from other known species by having nine segmented antennae. It shows similarities with Agraulomyrmex meridionalis in having the following characteristics: palp formula 6,4; body smooth and shiny; compound eyes positioned below the cephalic midline; masticatory margin of mandible with five teeth (although A. meridionalis specimens also may have six teeth on masticatory margin).

Keys including this Species


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 23.52° to 23.52°.

Tropical South
  • Source: Harshana & Dey, 2021

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Oriental Region: India (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • damohensis. Agraulomyrmex damohensis Harshana & Dey, 2021: 5, figs. 1, 2 (w.) INDIA.
    • Type-material: holotype worker.
    • Type-locality: India: Madhya Pradesh, Damoh, 23.5185N, 79.7771E, 11.ix.2020, NPC-AND964 (A. Harshana).
    • Type-depository: IARI.
    • Distribution: India.

Type Material

Holotype: Worker; India, Madhya Pradesh, Damoh; 23.5185 N, 79.7771 E; 11.IX.2020; coll. A. Harshana (NPC-AND964).



Holotype measurements (mm): HL – 0.31, HM1 – 0.24, HM2 – 0.05, HW – 0.30, SL – 0.22, EL – 0.07, WL – 0.30, MsFL – 0.17, MFL – 0.20, MTL – 0.21, PnL – 0.09, PtW – 0.183, ML – 0.09, MtW – 0.14, MsD – 0.08, TL – 1.10; Indices: CI- 93.27, SI1 – 74.91, SI2 – 95.20, MFI – 66.67, OI1 – 22.68, OI2– 15.38

Head: Head subquadrate in full face view, little longer than broad, posterior margin almost straight with rounded corners, slightly convex sides, and covered with dense pubescence (Fig. 1A, 2C); mandible with five teeth on masticatory margin and central third tooth very small (Fig. 2F); mandible sparsely covered with suberect to appressed hairs; maxillary palp six segmented and labial palp four segmented (Fig. 2F); antennae nine segmented, antennal funiculus incrassate towards apices without distinct club, scape little short of reaching posterior margin of head, second segment of antennal funiculus shorter than first segment and length of last segment of funiculus more than twice of its width (Fig. 2C); toruli surpassing the posterior clypeal margin; frontal carinae short; antennae densely covered with suberect to appressed hairs; anterior clypeal margin convex with median downwardly directed long seta, mediolateral region with two erect setae and two erect setae near toruli; other setae on clypeus comparatively small; compound eyes positioned below the cephalic midline with six ommatidia along their maximal diameter (Fig. 2E); ocelli absent.

Mesosoma: Promesonotal suture present extending through thoracic pleuron to sternum; mesonotum flat dorsally, not bulging above the pronotum in profile view (Fig. 1C); mesometanotal suture and metanotal groove absent (Fig. 1B, 2A & D); metathoracic spiracles dorsolateral in position, not tumuliform, touching the propodeal suture; dorsum of propodeum flat and much shorter than propodeal declivity; propodeal spiracles circular, distinctly smaller than metathoracic spiracles and positioned dorsolaterally on posterior propodeal declivity; pronotum with a pair of erect setae; pronotum, mesonotum covered with appressed to semi erect hairs while propodeal declivity lacking pubescence; fore tibia with pectinate spur and basitarsus with concave notch; hairs on legs appressed to suberect.

Metasoma: Petiole short, inclined forward, almost overhung by gaster and seemingly without pubescence (Fig. 2B); gaster five segmented covered with dense pubescence and erect hairs along the posterior edges of segments; first gastral sternum with three erect hairs at its base; acidopore present. Sculpture and colour. Head, mandible, mesosoma, and metasoma smooth and shining. Body yellow.


The species name refers to its type locality
