Adams, Mark

- Area: Evolutionary Biology Unit (EBU)
- Position: Senior Researcher
- Address: South Australian Museum, Science Centre, Morgan Thomas Lane (off Kintore Avenue), Adelaide, South Australia 5000
- Phone: +61 8 8207 7305
- Fax: +61 8 8207 7222
- the Evolutionary Biology Unit's longest-serving researcher, with over 29 years experience in the molecular systematics of the Australian fauna
- a leading authority on allozyme electrophoresis, one of the first molecular genetic techniques and still highly relevant to most areas of molecular systematics
- over 125 refereed publications on a great diversity of organismal groups encompassing bacteria, protozoans, invertebrates, and most vertebrate groups
- co-author of a major international reference book on allozyme analysis
- Chief or Joint Investigator on seven major and numerous small research grants
- provides fee-for-service (either for new research projects (see PDF #1 [=Allozyme profiling service - information sheets.pdf]) or genetic monitoring of laboratory rodents (see PDF #2 [= Genetic monitoring of laboratory rodents - information sheets.pdf]) and/or subsidised allozyme analyses (for collaborative projects, please inquire) to the Australian biomedical community (over 450 projects undertaken
- worked collaboratively with more than 200 researchers (excluding current or past Museum staff) from over 40 different institutions/departments worldwide (including the CSIRO, most Australian Universities, numerous medical research institutions and state wildlife authorities)
- provides a rapid genetic identification service (i.e. within 3 hours) for fruit fly maggots for local and interstate departments of Primary Industry, allowing them to mount a rapid response for problem species
- currently undertaking a PhD on cryptic biodiversity in the Australian freshwater fish fauna through the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Adelaide
Mark Adams has published on the genus Camponotus in Austalia.