Lasius umbratus

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Lasius umbratus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Formicinae
Tribe: Lasiini
Genus: Lasius
Section: flavus clade
Species group: umbratus
Species: L. umbratus
Binomial name
Lasius umbratus
(Nylander, 1846)

Lasius umbratus casent0005409 profile 1.jpg

Lasius umbratus casent0005409 dorsal 1.jpg

Specimen labels


Known to be a temporary social parasite. Queens found new colonies by infiltrating an established nest of another Lasius species (including Lasius brunneus, Lasius emarginatus (unconfirmed), Lasius niger, Lasius platythorax and Lasius psammophilus (unconfirmed)), killing the queen and using host workers to care for her initial brood.

At a Glance • Temporary parasite  

Common Name
Language: Japanese


Collingwood (1979). Clear yellow to reddish yellow; funiculus segments 2 to 4 slightly longer than wide. Scape elliptical in cross section. Petiole tapering to dorsal crest which is usually emarginate. Body surface and appendages covered in adpressed silvery pubescence. Longest hairs on gaster 0.06 mm to 0.11 mm, about half maximum hind tibial width. Erect hairs on genae, scapes and tibiae numerous. Length: 3.8-5.5 mm

Keys including this Species


Widespread over Eurasia.

Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 65.256706° to 31.156163°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Neotropical Region: Mexico.
Palaearctic Region: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czechia, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Denmark, Estonia, Finland (type locality), Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iberian Peninsula, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

This name had long been applied to a morphologically similar North American form that is now known as Lasius brevicornis (Schär et al. 2018).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

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Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.


Borowiec and Salata (2022) - No recent or confirmed data from Greece. In other countries it was noted from woodland and open habitats of diverse structure but appears to avoid extremely dry and very wet habitats. In southern Alps ascending to 1700 m.


Wilson (1955) - In the face of the revelation that umbratus has a common and hitherto poorly known Palaearctic sibling, Lasius rabaudi (=meridionalis Bondroit), the great mass of European literature pertaining to this species and its many synonyms cannot be accepted without major qualifications. It is in fact very probable that much of the literature deals with rabaudi instead of umbratus. Among European authors, only Starcke (1937) seems to have fully realized the status and common occurrence of rabaudi and taken this taxonomic information into account in his ecological work. We are still very much in the dark as to whether the two species differ ecologically to any appreciable extent. In the following brief resume, reference to European literature on umbratus is made with the understanding that both species may be included.

According to Gosswald (1932), Zimmermann (1934), Donisthorpe (1927), and others, umbratus is less common than the prominent members of Lasius s. s. It prefers dry areas and rarely nests in moist soil; Skwarra (1929) found it very rare on the wet Zehlau moors of East Prussia. It usually nests under rocks, but also occurs in rotting wood (including the timbers of houses), at the foot of trees, or in open ground. On occasion it builds mounds. Its preferred habitat is woodland, but it has also been taken along forest borders and in cultivated fields.

As is the case in other species of Lasius, observations on the food habits of umbratus are entirely fragmentary and anecdotal. umbratus is generally thought to be subterranean and to subsist primarily on the excreta of aphids and coccids, since these insects are often found in great numbers in the galleries with the ants (cf. Donisthorpe, 1927, and Gregg, 1944). However, in Holland, Starcke (1937) has observed workers foraging aboveground at night and carrying insects to the nests presumably for use as food.

A number of nuptial flights recorded by Donisthorpe (1927), Crawley (1915), and Eidmann (1926) suggest a long flight season in Europe, extending from as early as August 8 (Crawley) to as late as October 7 (Eidmann). However, there is again no way of knowing whether these records might not represent the overlapping periods of the two species umbratus and rabaudi. Winged queens, determined by me as authentic umbratus, have been taken in Europe on the following dates: IV-4, V-11, VI-9, VI-12, VII-24, VII-31, VIII, VIII, VIII- (15-20), VIII-22, VIII-28, IX3, IX-10, IX-13, IX-16, IX-17, IX-29; these do not involve any apparent geographic trend and by themselves may indicate an unusually long flight period.

There is no evidence to indicate that the reproductives of umbratus build aerial swarms during their nuptial flights, as do those of Lasius niger and Lasius brevicornis, although this does not preclude the possibility. Eidmann (1926) observed queens of umbratus (or rabaudi?) flying singly in Germany.

Donisthorpe (1927), Crawley (in Donisthorpe, ibid.), Gosswald (1938), and Holldobler (1953) have reported in detail on the colony founding behavior of "umbratus" and "Lasius mixtus". The normal hosts are niger and Lasius alienus. Under both field and laboratory conditions dealate umbratus queens attack host workers as they encounter them away from the nests, seizing them up the mandibles and carrying them about as they resume foraging. Their victims are usually killed by this treatment and may eventually be eaten. With the fulfillment of this Mordinstinkt, as Holldobler calls it, and the presumed acquisition of the host odor, the queens are ready and able to enter host colonies, although they may be subjected to further attack before acquiring final acceptance. Unfortunately, the authors who have witnessed this phenomenon failed to make a convincing distinction between umbratus and rabaudi, and specimens were not saved to allow corroborative determinations during the present revision.

Collingwood (1979) - This species nests under boulders, in tree stumps and at the base of old trees. Workers are subterranean and seldom or never seen above ground. Flight period from mid August to late September. Single queens found colonies by invasion of and adoption in Lasius niger, Lasius alienus or occasionally Lasius brunneus nests. In late summer dealate queens often wander over the surface of L. niger nests, sometimes carrying a dead L. niger worker as a prelude to securing adoption.

Association with Other Organisms

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  • This species is a host for the ant Lasius fuliginosus (a temporary parasite) (de la Mora et al., 2021; Janda et al., 2004; Seifert, 2018).
  • This species is a host for the ant Lasius interjectus (a temporary parasite) (de la Mora et al., 2021; Raczkowski & Luque, 2011).
  • This species is a xenobiont for the ant Formica sanguinea (a xenobiont) in Poland (Czechowski & Rotkiewicz, 1997; Kanizsai et al., 2013) (Clearings in a pine forest. In the sandy soil.).
  • This species is a xenobiont for the ant Lasius sabularum (a xenobiont) in Poland (Borowiec, 2011; Kanizsai et al., 2013) (Stand of oak trees. Under stone.).
  • This species is a xenobiont for the ant Polyergus rufescens (a xenobiont) in Poland (Czechowski & Rotkiewicz, 1997; Kanizsai et al., 2013) (Clearings in a pine forest. In the sandy soil.).
  • This species is a host for the cricket Myrmecophilus pergandei (a myrmecophile) in United States.
  • This species is a host for the mite Imparipes obsoletus (a parasite) (Khaustov, 2015) (ectoparasite).
  • This species is a host for the mite Scutacarus longisetus (a parasite) (Khaustov, 2015) (ectoparasite).
  • This species is a host for the phorid fly Pseudacteon formicarum (a parasitoid) (Quevillon, 2018) (encounter mode primary; direct transmission; transmission outside nest). (Quevillon, 2018)
  • This species is a host for the fungus Aegeritella tuberculata (Espadaler & Santamaria, 2012). (Espadaler & Santamaria, 2012)

Flight Period

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


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Images from

Lasius umbratus casent0172706 head 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0172706 profile 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0172706 dorsal 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0172706 label 1.jpg
Worker. Specimen code casent0172706. Photographer April Nobile, Antweb, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.


Images from

Lasius umbratus casent0173146 head 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0173146 profile 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0173146 dorsal 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0173146 label 1.jpg
Queen (alate/dealate). Specimen code casent0173146. Photographer April Nobile, Antweb, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.


Images from

Lasius umbratus casent0173145 head 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0173145 profile 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0173145 profile 2.jpgLasius umbratus casent0173145 profile 3.jpgLasius umbratus casent0173145 dorsal 1.jpgLasius umbratus casent0173145 label 1.jpg
Male (alate). Specimen code casent0173145. Photographer April Nobile, Antweb, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • umbratus. Formica umbrata Nylander, 1846b: 1048 (q.m.) FINLAND. Schenck, 1852: 59 (w.); Hauschteck, 1962: 219 (k.); Hung, 1969: 456 (k.). Combination in Lasius: Mayr, 1861: 50; in Donisthorpea: Donisthorpe, 1915d: 223; in Formicina: Emery, 1916b: 241; in Acanthomyops: Ruzsky, 1925b: 44; in Chthonolasius: Ruzsky, 1936: 91; in Lasius (Chthonolasius): Ruzsky, 1914a: 59; Müller, 1923: 129; Emery, 1925b: 233; Wilson, 1955a: 150. Senior synonym of belgarum: Wilson, 1955a: 150; Seifert, 1988a: 150; of hirtiscapus: Wilson, 1955a: 150; Seifert, 1990: 11; of affinoumbratus, aphidicola, epinotalis, exacutus, nyaradi, osakana, silvestrii and material of the unavailable names mixtoaffinis, mixtobicornis referred here: Wilson, 1955a: 150; of mixtoumbratus: Wilson, 1955a: 150; Kutter, 1977c: 14. See also: Stitz, 1939: 291; Bernard, 1967: 363; Kutter, 1977c: 232; Yamauchi, 1979: 168; Seifert, 1988a: 150; Atanassov & Dlussky, 1992: 245; Radchenko, 2007: 34.
  • exacutus. Lasius umbratus var. exacutus Ruzsky, 1902d: 15 (w.) RUSSIA. Combination in Acanthomyops: Ruzsky, 1925b: 44; in Lasius (Chthonolasius): Ruzsky, 1914a: 61; Emery, 1925b: 234. Subspecies of umbratus: Ruzsky, 1905b: 287. Raised to species: Ruzsky, 1925b: 44. Subspecies of bicornis: Menozzi, 1939a: 314 (in key). Junior synonym of umbratus: Wilson, 1955a: 150.
  • affinoumbratus. Lasius umbratus var. affinoumbratus Donisthorpe, 1914: 40 (w.) GREAT BRITAIN. Junior synonym of umbratus: Wilson, 1955a: 151.
  • belgarum. Formicina belgarum Bondroit, 1918: 31, fig. 17 (w.q.) BELGIUM. Combination in Lasius (Chthonolasius): Emery, 1925b: 234. Subspecies of umbratus: Stärcke, 1937: 57; of mixtus: Stitz, 1939: 299. Junior synonym of umbratus: Wilson, 1955a: 151; Seifert, 1988: 150.
  • silvestrii. Lasius (Chthonolasius) silvestrii Wheeler, W.M. 1928d: 120 (q.) JAPAN. Junior synonym of umbratus: Wilson, 1955a: 152.
  • hirtiscapus. Lasius umbratus var. hirtiscapus Stärcke, 1937: 43 (q.) CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Subspecies of mixtus: Stitz, 1939: 299. Junior synonym of umbratus: Wilson, 1955a: 152.
  • osakana. Lasius (Chthonolasius) silvestrii var. osakana Santschi, 1941: 278 (q.) JAPAN. Junior synonym of umbratus: Wilson, 1955a: 152.
  • nyaradi. Chthonolasius affinis var. nyaradi Röszler, 1943: 47 (w.q.) ROMANIA. Junior synonym of umbratus: Wilson, 1955a: 152.

Type Material

Wilson (1955) - LECTOTYPE. A dealate queen in the Helsinki Museum, selection by Starcke (1937). Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Wilson (1955)

(1) Pilosity and pubescence as in queen. Maximum length of hairs of first gastric tergite anterior to the extreme posterior strip 0.06-0.08 mm., not exceeding one-half the maximum width of the hind tibia at midlength. Alitruncal and cephalic hairs with maximum length of about 0.11 mm.

(2) Petiole in frontal view tapering slightly from the widest point, just above the foramina, to the dorsal crest. The dorsal crest broad and very variable in outline, from flat or even feebly convex to deeply concave; the emargination rounded or angular, never as deep as in Lasius bicornis, i.e. the width (taken at the midpoint of the depth measurement) always exceeds the depth. Intranidal variation considerable; the petiole in a single series may range from flat to distinctly emarginate. In side view the scale is relatively narrow, its dorsal crest acute.

Dong (2017) - (Korean individuals) Body length 4~4.5mm, bright yellow ground color, and body largely hairy. Compound eyes relatively well-developed. Antennal scape protruded head occipital margin in full-face view. Antennal scape with appressed simple hairs densely. Anterior clypeal margin convex, not concaved. Thorax dorsally hairy. Propodeal slope straight and steep. Metapleural gland and propodeal spiracle relatively wide but partially obscured by a couple of setae. In profile view, petiole reversed-V shaped and midpoint of petiole slightly concave or straight when seen in frontal view. Dorsum of petiole with 7~10 filiform fine hairs.

Borowiec and Salata (2022) - Monomorphic, Moderately large to large, HL 0.857-1.159, HW 0.809- 1.111, ML 0.97-1.35. Scape moderately elongate, SL 0.738-0.984. Color. Whole body including appendages pale yellow. Structure and setation. Head slightly longer than wide, sides rounded, occipital margin straight to slightly concave. Eyes very small, head length at least 6.6 times the maximum diameter of eye. Whole frontal head covered with moderately long, appressed and dense pubescence and sparse, moderately long, erected setae, surface partly invisible, microsculptured but shiny. Occipital part of head with 14-20 long erected setae. Gena and underside of head with numerous erected setae. Mesosomal dorsum with several long erected setae, length of the longest seta 0.135. Below propodeal spiracle 6-10 erected setae. Antennal scapi not flattened, with short decumbent and subdecumbent pubescence with several suberect hair and erected setae. Hind tibiae moderately broad, not flattened, with 10-30 suberect to erected setae on external surface. Ventral surface of femora and tibiae with several erected setae, anterior surface of fore coxa with few long erected setae. Pubescence on the whole body and appendages moderately dense to dense and whitish, on head and mesosoma not on gaster. Pubescence of clypeus sparse, not covering Clypeus. Surface of gastral tergites with microsculpture but shiny, first gastral tergite on the whole surface with dense, moderately long erected setae. Petiolar scale slightly broadened in the middle, slightly narrowed anterad, occasionally parallelsided, upper margin usually with shallow median emargination. Propodeum in lateral view high, slightly conical, usually with obtuse top, metanotal groove deep.


Wilson (1955)

(1) Most of the body surface covered with abundant, relatively short, silvery yellow, predominantly erect hairs. The hairs on the first three gastric tergites with maximum length variable internidally, 0.05-0.11 mm., never more than one-half the maximum width of the hind tibiae at midlength, and often less than one-third; very variable in density, never less than 20 hairs visible above the dorsal profile of the first gastric segment seen in perfect side view and usually more than 30, but never dense enough to overlap one another extensively, Erect hairs forming a fringe on the dorsal crest of the petiole, their maximum length close to that of the gastric hairs. The longest hairs of the alitrunk are on the scutellum, maximum length 0.12-0.21 mm. Maximum length of scutal hairs 0.05-0.15 mm. (see also under geographic variation). Maximum length of cephalic hairs exclusive of those on the clypeus 0.09.-0.11 mm. Body hairs mostly straight or feebly curved, rarely strongly curved (on propodeum) and never sinuate. Standing hairs mayor may not be present on the appendages (see also under geographic variation). All of body and appendages densely covered with short, whitish pubescence which is completely appressed on the body and appressed to decumbent on the appendages; on the gaster it is often abundant enough to obscure partly the shining cuticular surface and to present a whitish overcast to the naked eye.

(2) HW ranging 1.40-1.82 mm. in 45 nest series measured (see also under geographic variation). SI of size extremes 75 and 81.

(3) Petiole in frontal view tapering gradually but distinctly from the level of maximum width (just above the foramina) to the dorsal crest, the width just ventral to the dorsolateral angles 0.9 X the maximum width or less but the frontal outline rarely subquadrate as in rabaudi. Dorsal crest extremely variable in shape, from very feebly concave or even straight to deeply concave with the emargination almost right-angular. The dorsolateral angles always broadly rounded. In side view the scale is narrow and with an acute dorsal crest.

(4) The scape short-elliptical to circular in cross-section, never conspicuously flattened, the minimum width at the midpoint 0.11 mm. or greater. The third funicular segment 1.0-1.5 X longer than broad.

(5) Body medium to dark brown, the appendages lighter, light to medium brown.


Wilson (1955)

(1) Pilosity and pubescence essentially the same as in the queen and worker, except that hairs of the first three gastric tergites are more frequently subdecumbent-suberect. Despite this greater tendency toward obliqueness, the hairs of the first gastric tergite are still too sparse to show much overlap, and their maximum length (excluding those on the extreme posterior strips) ranges internidally 0.07-0.08 mm., or always less than 0.7 X the maximum width of the hind tibia at its midlength. Maximum length of scutellar and cephalic hairs (excluding those on the clypeus) 0.09 mm.

(2) HW 0.85-1.23 mm. in 15 nest series measured; SI of the extremes 62 and 66.

(3) Petiole in frontal view tapering dorsally as in queen and worker. Dorsal margin flat to deeply emarginate, the emargination rounded or angular, never greater than semicircular or rightangular. The scale in side view relatively thin, with an acute dorsal crest.


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  • n = 15, 2n = 30 (Switzerland; USA) (Hauschteck, 1962; Hung, 1969).


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

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  • AntArea. Accessed on February 5th 2014 at
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