Bruch, Carlos (1869-1943)

Bruch and Dr. Angel Gallardo published scholarly works on the Argentine fauna in the 1910's to early 1930's, relying primarily on the able European myrmecologists for identifications. No better photographs of ants and their nests exist than those published by Bruch. Of German origin, he had a background as a professional photographer before becoming a professor at the University of La Plata. He vacationed in the Cordoba Hills where he learned much about the rich fauna there and also had correspondents in other parts of the country who sent him specimens.Both Gallardo and Bruch published their last work in the early 1930's.
Santschi dedicated a number of ants to Carlos Bruch. Several were attines and he later placed them in other attine genera so that confusion is sometimes possible.
- Bruch, C. 1934c. La obra entomológica del Doctor Angel Gallardo. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 6:235-242.
- Herman, L.H. 2001. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 265:49-50, portrait.
- Portrait, obituary and bibliography by Carlos A. Lizer y Trelles (1943), Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina, XII, pp 71-85.
- Rev. Mus. La Plata (ns) 1943 for a good portrait.
- BRUCH, Carlos (1873-1943). Lizer, C., B., Physis (Arg.) 7:213-227, 1924; B. only, Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg. 9:13-21, 1937; Lizer y Trelles, C. A., et al., B., P., Rev). Soc. Ent. Arg. 12:48-56, 71-91, 1943; Lizer y Trelles, C. A., et al., B., P., An. Soc. Cient. Arg. 137:169-183, 1943; Birab6n, M., B., P., Rev. La Plata Univ. Nat. Mus. Secc. Ofic. pp. 107-132, 1943 (1944); Schedl, K. E., Zentralbl. Gesamtgeb. Ent. 1:63, 1946; "C. L. T.," Physis (Arg.): 11:524-525, 1935; A., Physis (Arg) 10:436-438, 1931; Lizer y Trelles, C. A., Curso de Entomolo- gia 1:41-42, 1947.