Borgmeier, Thomas (1892-1975)

Cidade: Adrogué
Estado/Província: Buenos Aires
País: Argentina
Nacionalidade: Alemão
Father Thomas Borgmeier of Jacarepagua, Brazil.
Between the years of 1961 and 1971, he published 44 papers; 34 of these deal with the taxonomy of Phoridae, total over 2000 pages and contain the description of over 650 new species and 23 new genera in this family. Fr. Borgmeier completes his 52nd year of highly productive activity in entomology, starting with his first publication in 1920. He has published, so far, nearly 250 scientific papers which fill more than 5000 pages. He has authored over 1000 new species and about 75 valid genera of Phoridae, about 100 new species and several genera of ants, several decades of new species and a few new genera of myrmecophilous coleoptera. This accomplishment alone ranks him among the foremost entomologists of our time. But in addition, he started and maintained all by himself two entomological journals, first the Revista de Entomologia, which grew up to 22 Volumes in the years between 1931 and 1951, and had to be discontinued due to adverse circumstances.
Then came Studia Entomologica, which began as a series of monographs (1952 to 1955), but, with the help of the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas of Brasil, was transformed into a journal, in 1958, and is now in its 15th year. Fr. Borgmeier's remarkable activity, no doubt, deserves recognition by all entomologists. The dedication of the present volume to his name is but a small token of our gratitude and admiration. We wish him a happy birthday, good health and still many years of enjoyable work with his beloved insects.
Kempf 1976 Obituary
Bill Brown (1976) dedicated a revision of the genus Odontomachus to his friend, stating the following: Dedicated to the memory of Father Thomas Borgmeier, O.F.M., a longtime colleague and friend, whose prodigious entomological labors included many fine studies of ants, among them the classics on the New· World army ants and on the fungus-growers of the genus Atta. The approach of Father Thomas to his work, to his environment and to the people whose lives touched his was direct and simple, full of good will and innocent enthusiasm. In these troubled times, it is somehow comforting to contemplate a life so well and usefully lived, through pain and joy, as was Thomas Borgmeier's.
Primary location of author's collection: Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo.
- Borgmeier, T. 1920. Zur Lebensweise von Odontomachus affinis Guérin. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst in São Paulo 1:31-38. [1920]
- Borgmeier, T. 1923. Catalogo systematico e synonymico das formigas do Brasil. 1 parte. Subfam. Dorylinae, Cerapachyinae, Ponerinae, Dolichoderinae. Arch. Mus. Nac. (Rio J.) 24: 33-103.
- Borgmeier, T. 1927a. Um caso de trophobiose entre uma formiga e um parasita do caféeiro. Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio J. 3: 285-289.
- Borgmeier, T. 1927b. Algumas novas formigas brasileiras. Arch. Mus. Nac. (Rio J.) 29: 57-65.
- Borgmeier, T. 1927c. Catalogo systematico e synonymico das formigas do Brasil. 2 parte. Subf. Pseudomyrminae, Myrmicinae, Formicidae. Arch. Mus. Nac. (Rio J.) 29: 69-164
- Borgmeier, T. 1928a. Einige neue Ameisen aus Brasilien. Zool. Anz. 75: 32-39.
- Borgmeier, T. 1928b. Algumas formigas do Museo Paulista. Bol. Biol. Lab. Parasitol. Fac. Med. Sa~o Paulo 12: 55-70.
- Borgmeier, T. 1929. Zur Kenntnis der brasilianischen Ameisen. EOS. Rev. Esp. Entomol. 5: 195-214.
- Borgmeier, T. 1930. Duas rainhas de Eciton e algumas outras formigas brasileiras. Arch. Inst. Biol. (Sa~o Paulo) 3: 21-40.
- Borgmeier, T. 1932a. A proposito de Acropyga pickeli Borgm. (1927) (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 2: 238-239.
- Borgmeier, T. 1932b. Leptogenys crudelis Fr. Smith, 1858 (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 2: 485.
- Borgmeier, T. 1933a. A rainha de Eciton rogeri Dalla Torre (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 3: 92-96.
- Borgmeier, T. 1933b. Uma nova especie do genero Leptogenys (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 3: 226-227.
- Borgmeier, T. 1933c. Nota prévia sobre Acropyga paramaribensis n. sp. (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 3: 263.
- Borgmeier, T. 1933d. Sobre algumas especies de formigas do genero Eciton Latreille. Arch. Esc. Super. Agric. Med. Vet. Nictheroy 10: 161-168.
- Borgmeier, T. 1934. Contribuiça~o para o conhecimento da fauna mirmecológica dos cafezais de Paramaribo, Guiana Holandesa (Hym. Formicidae). Arch. Inst. Biol. Veg. (Rio J.) 1: 93-111.
- Borgmeier, T. 1936b. Sobre algumas formigas dos generos Eciton e Cheliomyrmex (Hym. Formicidae). Arch. Inst. Biol. Veg. (Rio J.) 3: 51-68.
- Borgmeier, T. 1937a. Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel no Brasil, e a descoberta do macho ergatoide desta especie (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 7: 129-134.
- Borgmeier, T. 1937b. Formigas novas ou pouco conhecidas da América do Sul e Central, principalmente do Brasil (Hym. Formicidae). Arch. Inst. Biol. Veg. (Rio J.) 3: 217-255.
- Borgmeier, T. 1939. Nova contribuiça~o para o conhecimento das formigas neotropicas (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 10: 403-428.
- Borgmeier, T. 1940. Duas notas myrmecologicas. Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 11: 606.
- Borgmeier, T. 1948a. Die Geschlechtstiere zweier Eciton-Arten und einige andere Ameisen aus Mittel- und Suedamerika (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 19: 191-206.
- Borgmeier, T. 1948b. Einige Ameisen aus Argentinien (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 19: 459-471.
- Borgmeier, T. 1949. Formigas novas ou pouco conhecidas de Costa Rica e da Argentina (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Rev. Bras. Biol. 9: 201-210.
- Borgmeier, T. 1950a. A fêmea dichthadiiforme e os estádios evolutivos de Simopelta pergandei (Forel), e a descriça~o de S. bicolor, n. sp. (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 21: 369-380.
- Borgmeier, T. 1950b. Bemerkungen zu Dr. Creighton's Werk "The ants of North America". Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 21: 381-386.
- Borgmeier, T. 1950c. Uma nova espécie do gênero Neivamyrmex Borgmeier (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Entomol. (Rio J.) 21: 623-624.
- Borgmeier, T. 1950d. Estudos sôbre Atta (Hym. Formicidae). Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio J. 48: 239-263.
- Borgmeier, T. 1953. Vorarbeiten zu einer Revision der neotropischen Wanderameisen. Stud. Entomol. 2: 1-51.
- Borgmeier, T. 1954a. Uma nova Discothyrea com seis articulos antenais (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Rev. Bras. Entomol. 1: 191-194.
- Borgmeier, T. 1954b. Two interesting dacetine ants from Brazil (Hym., Formicidae). Rev. Bras. Biol. 14: 279-284.
- Borgmeier, T. 1954c. Aenictini n. trib. und die Tribus-Einteilung der Dorylinen (Hym. Formicidae). Zool. Anz. 153: 211-214.
- Borgmeier, T. 1955. Die Wanderameisen der neotropischen Region. Stud. Entomol. 3: 1-720.
- Borgmeier, T. 1957a. Myrmecologische Studien, I. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 29: 103-128.
- Borgmeier, T. 1957b. Die Maxillar- und Labialtaster der neotropischen Dorylinen (Hym. Formicidae). Rev. Bras. Biol. 17: 387-394.
- Borgmeier, T. 1958a. Nachtraege zu meiner Monographie der neotropischen Wanderameisen (Hym. Formicidae). Stud. Entomol. (n.s.) 1: 197-208.
- Borgmeier, T. 1959a. Myrmecologische Studien. II. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 31: 309-319.
- Borgmeier, T. 1959b. Revision der Gattung Atta Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Stud. Entomol. (n.s.) 2: 321-390.
- Kempf, W.W. 1972, "Dedication to Fr. Thomas Borgmeier, O.F.M., Sc.D. on his 80th birthday, October 31, 1972."Studia Entomologica (N.S.), Volume: 15, Pages: 1-2