Myrmicinae of the southwestern Australian Botanical Province
There are numerous Myrmicinae genera in the SWBP for which there are relatively few representative species present. Keys or in some cases a couplet for these genera are given below. The contents of this page is based on: Heterick, B. E. 2009. A guide to the ants of South-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 76: 1-206. | PDF Part 2
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- Myrmicinae
- Key to Myrmicinae genera of the southwestern Australian Botanical Province
- In dorsal view, dorsum of node and postpetiole approximately the same size, at most, postpetiole fractionally broader than node (Figure 685); smaller species (HW ≈ 0.5 mm) (widespread) . . . . . . Austromorium flavigaster
- In dorsal view, dorsum of postpetiole much larger than that of node, postpetiole distinctly broader than node (Figure 686); larger species (HW ≈ 1 mm) (localized, Swan Coastal Plain northwards) . . . . . . Austromorium hetericki
- Eye absent or represented by a minute, pigmented speck (Figure 687) . . . . . . Solenopsis belisarius
- Eye small but distinct (Figure 688) . . . . . . Solenopsis clarki
- Setae on promesonotum thickened and inwardly curved, like those on head capsule (Figure 689) . . . . . . Strumigenys quinquedentata
- Setae on promesonotum normal, erect, unlike thickened, curved setae on head capsule (Figure 690) . . . . . . Strumigenys perplexa