Key to Vietnamese Amblyoponinae Genera

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Key to Vietnamese genera of the subfamily Amblyoponinae based on workers. Modified from Eguchi et al. (2014), Eguchi et al. (2015) and Satria et al. (2016).


  • Petiole narrowly attached to abdominal segment III (gastral segment I); abdominal segment III above helcium with free anterior face (Fig. 9); frontal lobe completely absent, thus antennal socket in full-face view fully exposed (Fig. 10) => Opamyrma (this genus is now in the subfamily Leptanillinae)

Eguchi et al., 2015, Figs. 9-10.jpg

  • Petiole broadly attached to abdominal segment III; abdominal segment III above helcium without a conspicuous free anterior face (Fig. 11); frontal lobe present, thus antennal socket in full-face view at least partly concealed (Fig. 12) => 2

Eguchi et al., 2015, Figs. 11-12.jpg


  • Mandible elongate-triangular, armed with 3 teeth (Fig. 13); in closed position inner margin of mandibles not forming a conspicuous gap against the anterior clypeal margin => Prionopelta

Eguchi et al., 2015, Fig. 13.jpg

  • Mandible linear, armed with more than 3 teeth(Figs. 14, 15, 16); if mandible armed with 3 teeth, the apical teeth forming an elongate and falcate apical blade, and 2nd and 3rd teeth blunt or truncate apically; in closed position inner margin of mandibles separated from anterior clypeal margin by a large gap => 3

Eguchi et al., 2015, Figs. 14-16.jpg


  • Apex of mandible round, with minute teeth (Fig. 16); body covered with spatulate setae (Fig. 17) => Mystrium

Eguchi et al., 2015, Figs. 16-17.jpg

  • Apex of mandible with distinct apical tooth/teeth (Figs. 14, 15); body without spatulate setae (Fig. 18) => 4

Eguchi et al., 2015, Figs. 14, 15, 18.jpg


  • A few apical segments of antenna distinctly flattened (Figs. 19, 20); outer surface of middle tibia with thickened peglike setae scattered among normal finer background pilosity => Myopopone

Eguchi et al., 2015, Figs. 19-20.jpg

  • All of antennal segments terete, not flattened (Figs. 21, 22); outer surface of mesotibia without peglike or spiniform setae (the surface of mesotibia often with relatively long standing setae scattered among background pilosity) => 5

Eguchi et al., 2015, Figs. 21-22.jpg


  • Anteromedian part of clypeus produced as a clypeal lobe; petiole with a distinct anterior peduncle => Xymmer
  • Anteromedian part of clypeus never produced as a clypeal lobe; petiole essentially sessile. => Stigmatomma (=Bannapone)
