Key to Monomorium of Socotra
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- Dorsum of mesosoma without projecting hairs (Figure 16(a)) . . . . . 2
- Dorsum of mesosoma with projecting hairs (Figure 16(b)) . . . . . 3
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- Colour yellow with the area in front of eyes and gaster except first third of first gastral tergite blackish brown (Figure 16(c)); metanotal groove shallowly impressed (Figure 16(c)); eyes larger with seven ommatidia in the longest row (EL 0.21 × HW); cephalic surface finely and distinctly longitudinally striated (Figure 16(d)); sides of head straight or feebly convex; postpetiole in dorsal view about 1.7 times broader than petiole width (India, Socotra) . . . . . Monomorium sahlbergi
- Unicolorous clear yellow; metanotal groove deeply impressed and broad (Figure 16 (e)); eyes smaller with five ommatidia in the longest row (EL 0.19 × HW); cephalic surface unsculptured smooth, and shining; lateral sides of head clearly convex; postpetiole in dorsal view about 1.2 times broader than petiole width (Socotra, Yemen) . . . . . Monomorium elghazalyi
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- Pilosity abundant and clubbed; antennae with 12 segments; eyes large with 10–11 ommatidia in the longest row; mandibles sculptured (Socotra, Yemen) . . . . . Monomorium nimihil
- Pilosity few and simple; antennae with 11 segments; eyes smaller with four to six ommatidia in the longest row; mandibles unsculptured except for hair-pits, smooth and shining . . . . . 4
return to couplet #3
- Petiole node nearly as long as broad in dorsal view; petiole peduncle in profile without anteroventral process (India, Bangladesh, Socotra) . . . . . Monomorium atomum
- Petiole about 1.5 times broader than long in dorsal view; petiole peduncle in profile with a small anteroventral process (Afrotropical and Mediterranean regions, Arabian Peninsula (KSA)) . . . . . Monomorium exiguum