Key to Malagasy Camponotus Mayria

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This key to the species in the subgenera has been superseded by a key to Mayria minor workers by Rasoamanana and Fisher (2022).

Key to Malagasy Camponotus subgenus Mayria minor workers

This worker key is based on: Rakotonirina, J.C., Fisher, B.L. 2018. Taxonomic revision of the Malagasy Camponotus subgenus Mayria (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) using qualitative and quantitative morphology. Zootaxa 4438: 1–58 (DOI 10.11646/zootaxa.4438.1.1).


  • Median portion of clypeus with longitudinal carina (Fig. 2A) . . . . . 2
  • Median portion of clypeus without longitudinal carina (Fig. 2B) . . . . . 6


return to couplet #1

  • Smaller species (minor: CS: 0.70–1.26; major: 1.20–1.67); distal portion of procoxa white (Fig. 3A) . . . . . 3
  • Larger species (minor: CS: 0.73–1.37; major: CS: 1.39–2.1); procoxa without white patch (Fig. 3B) . . . . . 4


return to couplet #2

  • Dorsum of mesosoma covered with numerous slender erect hairs and elongate appressed hairs; in lateral view, petiolar node higher than long (Fig. 4A) . . . . . Camponotus repens
Camponotus repens casent0102437 head 1.jpg
Camponotus repens casent0101175 profile 1.jpg
  • Pronotum, junction of dorsum and declivity surface of propodeum and posterodorsal margin of petiole each with one pair of elongate, stout erect hairs; a few short appressed hairs present on dorsum of mesosoma; in lateral view, petiolar node longer than high (Fig. 4B) . . . . . Camponotus raina
Camponotus raina Holotype worker casent0499051 h.jpg
Camponotus raina Holotype worker casent0499051 p.jpg


return to couplet #2

  • In lateral view, mesosoma short and high; dorsal margin of petiolar node convex; dorsum of mesosoma covered with numerous (15-20) long erect hairs and a scattered short pubescence (Fig. 5A) . . . . . Camponotus manabo
Camponotus manabo Holotype worker casent0135055 h.jpg
Camponotus manabo Holotype worker casent0135055 p.jpg
  • In lateral view, mesosoma long and low, petiolar node tapered dorsally; dorsum of mesosoma covered with few (6-10) short erect hairs and abundant long pubescence (Fig. 5B) . . . . . 5


return to couplet #4

  • Anteromedian clypeal margin projecting into an obtusely triangular lobe (Fig. 6A) . . . . . Camponotus liandia
Camponotus liandia holotype casent0803903 h.jpg
Camponotus liandia holotype casent0803903 p.jpg
  • Anteromedian clypeal margin broadly rounded, almost truncate (Fig. 6B) . . . . . . Camponotus lubbocki - this species has been reassigned to the subgenus Myrmosaga (Rakotonirina and Fisher 2022)
Camponotus manabo Holotype worker casent0135055 h.jpg
Camponotus manabo Holotype worker casent0135055 p.jpg


return to couplet #1

  • Apical margin of mandible armed with five teeth (Fig. 7A) . . . . . Camponotus tanosy
Camponotus tanosy Holotype worker casent0803890 h.jpg
Camponotus tanosy Holotype worker casent0803890 p.jpg
  • Apical margin of mandible armed with six teeth (Fig. 7B) . . . . . 7


return to couplet #6

  • Anteromedian margin of clypeus bordered by a lamella; in full-face view, head distinctly longer than broad (CWb/CL: minor: 0.68±0.01; major: 0.89±0.001) (Fig. 8A); in lateral view, junction of dorsal and declivity surfaces of propodeum broadly rounded . . . . . Camponotus sada
Camponotus sada Holotype worker casent0498916 h.jpg
Camponotus sada Holotype worker casent0498916 p.jpg
  • Anteromedian margin of clypeus not bordered by a lamella; in full-face view, head not strongly longer than broad (CWb/CL: minor: 0.76±0.03–0.84±0.02; major: 0.93±0.04–1.01±0.02) (Fig. 8B); in lateral view, junction of propodeal dorsum and declivity surface with a distinct angle . . . . . 8


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  • In lateral view, mesosoma short and high, its dorsal outline continuously arched and dome-like in structure; propodeal decliv-ity inclined posteriorly (Fig. 9A) . . . . . 9
  • In lateral view, mesosoma long and low, its dorsal outline not dome-like in structure; propodeal declivity inclined anteriorly (Fig. 9B) . . . . . 11


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  • In lateral view, propodeal dorsum slightly excised medially, petiole node longer than high (Fig. 10A) . . . . . Camponotus lamosy
Camponotus lamosy F18b.jpg
Camponotus lamosy F18a.jpg
  • In lateral view, propodeal dorsum smooth, without excision or concavity (Fig. 10B); petiole node as long as high or higher than long . . . . . 10


return to couplet #9

  • Larger species (CS: minor: 1.22±0.10; major: 1.64±0.12); in lateral view, petiole node distinctly higher than long (Fig. 11A); anteromedian margin of clypeus broadly convex (Fig. 16B) . . . . . Camponotus dromedarius
Camponotus dromedarius casent0496817 h.jpg
Camponotus dromedarius casent0496817 p.jpg
  • Smaller species (CS: minor: 1.05±0.09; major: 1.50±0.11); in lateral view, petiole node as long as high (Fig. 11B); anterome-dian margin of clypeus slightly concave medially (Fig. 30B) . . . . . Camponotus pulcher
Camponotus dromedarius pulcher casent0101532 head 1.jpg
Camponotus dromedarius pulcher casent0101532 profile 1.jpg


return to couplet #8

  • Color of legs as the same as color of body, trochanters and distal portions of coxae yellow, reddish-black or dark brown; petiole node flattened anteroposteriorly (Fig. 12A, 12B) . . . . . 12
  • Legs with at least trochanters and distal portions of coxae yellowish to white, not as the same as color of body; petiole node not flattened anteroposteriorly, its dorsal margin distinctly broadly convex (Fig. 12C) . . . . . 13


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  • Body entirely yellow to light brown, antenna becoming dark brown toward its apex (Fig. 13A) . . . . . Camponotus christi
Camponotus christi F15b.jpg
Camponotus christi F15c.jpg
  • Body entirely or mostly black to reddish-black; antenna brown to dark brown basally and becoming dark brown to black toward its apex (Fig. 13B) . . . . . Camponotus mainty
Camponotus mainty Holotype worker casent0497845 h.jpg
Camponotus mainty Holotype worker casent0497845 p.jpg


return to couplet #11

  • In lateral view, length of posterior portion of propodeal dorsum measured from the end of line connecting anteriormost point of pronotal shield and metathoracic spiracle as long as height of declivity (Fig. 14A); hind tibia shorter than hind femur; hind tibia shorter (HTL/CS: minor: 1.21±0.12; major: 1.07±0.14) . . . . . Camponotus maculiventris
Camponotus christi maculiventris casent0101539 head 1.jpg
Camponotus christi maculiventris casent0101539 profile 1.jpg
  • In lateral view, length of posterior portion of propodeal dorsum measured from the end of line connecting anteriormost point of pronotal shield and metathoracic spiracle roughly twice as long as height of declivity (Fig. 14B); hind tibia as long as hind femur; hind tibia longer (HTL/CS: minor: 1.33±0.06; major: 1.09±0.05) . . . . . Camponotus foersteri
Camponotus christi foersteri casent0101441 head 1.jpg
Camponotus christi foersteri casent0101441 profile 1.jpg