Key to Dolichoderus of China

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This worker key is based on: Xu, Z. 2001b. Two new species of the ant genus Dolichoderus Lund from Yunnan, China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. 26:355-360.

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Figs. l-24 Dolichoderus workers. 1-3 D. sibiricus Emery 4-6. D. sagmanotus sp. nov. 7-9. D. feae Emery 10-12. D. taprobanae (Smith) 13-15 D. affinis Emery 16-18. D. incisus Xu 19-21. D. thoracicus (Smith) 22-24. D. squamanodus sp. nov. 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22. Head in full face view 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23. body in profile view 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24. thorax in dorsal view; pilosity omitted
Figs. 25-28 Dolichoderus workers. 25-26. D. flatidorsus Zhou 27-28. D. pilosus Zhou 25, 27. head in full face view 26, 28. body in profile view 25-28. after Zhou (1997), pilosity omitted.


return to couplet #1

  • Dorsa of thorax and gaster without standing hairs. In dorsal view posterior margin of propodeum concave. Head reddish brown or black. The basal two segments of gaster each with a pair of yellowish spots (Figs.1-3) (China: Xinjiang, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hong Kong; Japan; Korea; Russia) . . . . . Dolichoderus sibiricus
Dolichoderus sibiricus casent0008644 head 1.jpg
Dolichoderus sibiricus casent0008644 profile 1.jpg
  • Dorsa of thorax and gaster with standing hairs. In dorsal view posterior margin of propodeum weakly convex. Head reddish brown. The basal two segments of gaster each without a pair of yellowish spots (Figs. 4-6) (China: Yunnan) . . . . . Dolichoderus sagmanotus


return to couplet #1

  • Dorsa of thorax and gaster without standing hairs. Posterior margin of propodeum deeply notched. Head and thorax with fine and dense punctures. Body black or blackish brown (Figs. 7-9) (China: Yunnan; Myanmar) . . . . . Dolichoderus feae
Dolichoderus feae casent0906207 h 1 high.jpg
Dolichoderus feae casent0906207 p 1 high.jpg
  • Dorsa of thorax and gaster with standing hairs. Posterior margin of propodeum straight or convex . . . . . 4


return to couplet #3

  • Head and pronotum smooth and shining. Body bicolor, head and thorax yellowish brown to reddish brown, gaster black (Figs. 10-12) (China: Yunnan, Hunan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong, Macau; India; Sri Lanka; Myanmar; Laos; Vietnam; Indonesia) . . . . . Dolichoderus taprobanae
Dolichoderus taprobanae casent0249574 h 1 high.jpg
Dolichoderus taprobanae casent0249574 p 1 high.jpg
  • Head punctured or smooth, pronotum punctured or rugose . . . . . 5


return to couplet #4

  • Body distinctly bicolor, thorax reddish brown or brownish red, gaster black . . . . . 6
  • Body distinctly unicolor, usually black, sometimes brownish black . . . . . 7


return to couplet #5

  • Promesonotal suture distinct but not depressed. In profile view dorsum of propodeum flat. Head black and moderately reticulate (Figs. 25-26) (China: Guangxi) . . . . . Dolichoderus flatidorsus
  • Promesonotal suture quite distinct and depressed. In profile view dorsum of propodeum convex. Head brownish red and coarsely reticulate (Figs. 27-28) (China: Guangxi) . . . . . Dolichoderus pilosus


return to couplet #5


return to couplet #7

  • Head weakly and finely punctured, relatively shining. In profile view posterodorsal comer of propodeum weakly protruding (Figs. 13-15) (China: Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong; Sikkim; Myanmar; Thailand) . . . . . Dolichoderus affinis
Dolichoderus affinis casent0249575 h 1 high.jpg
Dolichoderus affinis casent0249575 p 1 high.jpg
  • Head coarsely and densely punctured, dim. In profile view posterodorsal comer of propodeum strongly protruding (Figs. 16-18) (China: Yunnan) . . . . . Dolichoderus incisus


return to couplet #7

  • Head and thorax densely and finely rugulose and punctured, dim. In profile view propodeum not elevated, dorsum convex (Figs. 19-21) (China: Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan; Sikkim; India; Myanmar; Laos; Vietnam; Cambodia; Philippines; Malaysia; New Guinea; Australia) . . . . . Dolichoderus thoracicus
Dolichoderus bituberculatus ANIC32-014988 head 63-Antwiki.jpg
Dolichoderus bituberculatus ANIC32-014988 side 40-Antwiki.jpg
  • Head weakly and finely punctured or smooth, relatively shining or shining. Thorax densely foveolate, interface formed coarse ruga-reticulation, dim. In profile view propodeum elevated and formed a horizontal plane, almost as high as pronotum, dorsum straight (Figs. 22-24) (China: Yunnan) . . . . . Dolichoderus squamanodus